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Media Bias Tag

It's pretty unfair to compare Dana Milbank and Jayson Blair by lumping them together with no real connection, isn't it? Almost as bad as this headline and column from Dana Milbank lumping Richard Mourdock and federal prisoner Keith Judd together, Richard Mourdock and Keith Judd vs....

It started out as a massive 5000-word hit piece on Mitt Romney reminiscent of what The Washington Post did to Rick Perry about a rock on his family hunting ground. WaPo put a reporter (or more) on the case and apparently spared no effort to find...

And not just anyone, someone who was "presumed homosexual." The Washington Post, fresh off finding a rock in Texas, has dug deep using all the investigative reporting skills of one of the most powerful news organizations in the world, and breathlessly reports that Mitt Romney teased...

It was those damn meteoric expectations, and the failure of those around him, such as the Secret Service agents who visited prostitutes in Colombia, and soldiers in Afghanistan who killed civilians and burned Korans. And that damn Congress: Karl Lemberg, one of thousands who thronged a Berlin park...

There is a war on women, but they will not talk about it in the media, academia, or in politics (h/t HotAir): So: Yes, women all over the world have problems; yes, the United States has yet to elect a female president; and yes, women continue...

What James Taranto has dubbed the Wild Goose-Step Chase appears to be winding down, as outlandish reports by Michael Miller in The Miami New Times of neo-Nazis "conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida" were debunked by your humble correspondent over the weekend. But not...

and that cannot be limited without being lost." On the other hand: And so it was written, and so it is done (at 5:45): "In New York City, which you're visiting for a couple of days, a lot of our taxi drivers are Sikhs. If you get one, are you...

There's pretty much doom and gloom all the time in the right blogosphere. Most of the bloggers I follow are having a hard time staying away from sharp objects as we glance towards November and the possibility of the teflon president tefloning his way towards a tefloned...

Hollywood constantly has its thumb on the political scale. Whether it's late night talk show hosts, SNL, or sitcoms, the political pressure always heads in one direction: Sunday's episode of "Mad Men" — the popular drama about an ad agency in the 1960s — gave a nod...

Via The Crawdad Hole, a very interesting chart of FBI crime statistics for 2009. What it shows is that whites kill whites, and blacks kill blacks.  And interestingly, "other" kills "other." It's not the narrative heard much in the media, because it does not play into stereotypes...

Adam Kinzinger, a first term Congressman who was backed by Eric Cantor, defeated 10-term incumbent Don Mazullo.  Kinzinger had won election in 2010 with the support of Tea Party groups, but many conservative / Tea Party groups supported Mazullo in the new district which pitted two...

Gawker Media's websites, particularly its flagship Gawker website, are notorious gossipers. Gawker in many ways is an equal opportunity attacker, but two of its highest profile stories were sexualized attacks against conservative female politicians. Wonkette, known for going after Michelle Malkin, Sarah Palin and other conservative women, was...

There's another "victim" of Rush Limbaugh, according to Adam Clark Estes at The Atlantic Wire, Rush Limbaugh's Latest Verbal Victim Feels Derided, Dismissed: Less than a week after calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" on the air, Rush Limbaugh ran his mouth again on Tuesday, calling investigative...