Leftism | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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George Soros, the “man behind the curtain,” at 92 years young, is still making headlines, although arguably not very positive ones.  The mere mention of his name last week by Republican Senator Macro Rubio unleashed a flood of baseless allegations of anti-Semitism on Twitter and in the media. Soros, it seems, still inspires the left to defend his behavior in often despicable ways.

What is a Soros backed prosecutor?,” progressives demanded to know, before immediately labeling it an anti-Semitic dog whistle.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has banned LGBT activities in the West Bank, launching a search for gay rights activists. The main target of the crackdown is a group called Al-Qaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society. The leading Palestinian gay rights group was planning to hold a meeting of its members later this month. "The attack on us is unprecedented," a member of Al-Qaws told The Jerusalem Post. "They are calling us traitors and corrupt people, and many are calling for our execution. We are afraid for our lives."