"the course is intended to be academic and objectively focused without attempting to be involved in any social movement"...
"The party led to the temporary shutdown of voluntary activities and preseason practice for four Cardinal sports, according to the school."...
"investigation found no evidence of sexual assault or sexual misconduct"...
"Officials say furloughs could last a week, or weeks."...
"looking into an engineered tobacco-produced protein, called Q-Griffithsin, a broad-spectrum antiviral"...
“Service to others, service above self, service selflessly. And that, I think, truly exemplifies this man.”...
"A campus spokesman said officials are sorry for the behavior of its employees."...
"The private university has a single “free speech zone,” and students must fill out paperwork and get approval before using it."...
"university said in the unsigned message that faculty and staff can get discounted memberships of $15 per month at Planet Fitness"...
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