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Joe Biden Tag

The United Nations Secretary-General has told world leaders to declare a climate emergency. "I call on all leaders worldwide to declare a State of Climate Emergency in their countries until carbon neutrality is reached," UN chief Antonio Guterres said on Saturday at a summit marking the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

The Democrat/Media/Big Tech axis has decided that it is safe—now that the election is over—to inform the American people about the shady Ukrainian and ChiCom connections and influence-peddling scandal surrounding Hunter Biden and implicating 'the big guy,' then Vice President and now Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Former Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen is Joe Biden's pick to head the Treasury Department. During recent remarks, Yellen pledged to use the department to address many issues, including those of race, gender disparity,and the climate crisis. The Democratic party's approach to policy is now nearly indistinguishable from that of progressive activists on college campuses.

Neera Tanden, president and CEO of the Center American Progress (CAP), has a tough road to confirmation as Joe Biden's budget director. Tanden deleted tweets between November 16 and today due to harsh criticism of Republican senators, which she will need for confirmation.