Afghanistan: Taliban Draw ‘Kill List’ To Hunt Down Gays, NGO Says
"We now know for sure the Taliban has a ‘kill list’ circulating, identifying LBTQI+ persons."...
"We now know for sure the Taliban has a ‘kill list’ circulating, identifying LBTQI+ persons."...
Scotland Yard: "The early investigation has revealed a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism."...
The Taliban threatens the U.S. with "consequences" if drone strikes target ISIS. ...
The temple sheltered hundreds Hindus and Sikhs refugees....
Taliban co-founder Mullah Turabi: "We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran."...
Taliban leader Mullah Turabi: "We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran."...
"The edict makes Afghanistan the only country on earth to bar half its population from getting a secondary education."...
As the Taliban establishes Islamic rule, beheadings will become the Sharia-sanctioned punishment for non-believers and those regarded as the enemies of Islam....
The MI5 director general: Taliban’s takeover to have "inspirational effect" on terrorist groups in the West....
Biden admin: We "are concerned by the affiliations and track records of some of the individuals."...
Taliban commander: "By the grace of Allah Almighty, we are in control of the entire Afghanistan."...
The NYT: "The president said an attack was 'highly likely' at the Afghan capital’s airport."...
Pockets of anti-Taliban resistance emerge in the north; Rebels raise the flag of "Northern Alliance" in Panjshir Valley...
Taliban commander: "All girls over the age of 15 and widows younger than 40 should be married to the insurgent fighters."...
"Bagram prison contained the 5,000 “highest value” Taliban, al-Qaeda and Islamic State fighters captured on the battlefield."...
According to reports just breaking, the Afghan government has agreed to surrender and transition power to the Taliban....
The AP: "Afghan government forces are collapsing even faster than U.S. military leaders thought possible."...
"In just the last 24 hours, the country’s second- and third-largest cities — Herat in the west and Kandahar in the south — have fallen to the insurgents as has the capital of the southern Helmand province...
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