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Israel Tag

There's a war going on between hackers in the Middle East: Israeli hackers said they brought down the official websites of Saudi  Arabia's Monetary Agency and Abu Dhabi's Securities Exchange on Tuesday in retaliation for a denial of  service attack on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange...

We are approaching the 4th Anniversary of the assassination of Hezbollah terror mastermind Imad Mughniyeh in Syria, presumably by the Israelis although there has never been any public proof. Hezbollah has sought revenge, so far without success.  A major attack was just thwarted in Thailand: A foreign...

There seems to be a war brewing in the Middle East, if not on the battlefield at least in the political realm. The Wall Street Journal and many others report tension between the U.S. and Israel over a potential strike on Iran.  There also is tension over...

With war in Israel  just one shot or rocket or kidnapping away, it's always worth seeing the faces of the people who will fight it. The Jewish New Year was in September, so this is the IDF's New Year's greeting to you (via Sheya): ...

I posted previously about accusations that groups such as Media Matters and the Center for American Progress (which runs the Think Progress blog) routinely used questionable terminology (such as "Israel-Firsters") and were pushing an anti-Israel agenda under the guise of battling the "Israel Lobby." The story...

Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post has a post today in which she contrasts Mitt Romney's non-pandering to the Jewish community with Newt Gingrich's supposed pandering. She highlights Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for Israel, and whether he should be granted clemency.  She quotes...

You will like this. Netanyahu to ‘New York Times’: Take a hike (h/t @allahpundit): Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is refusing to pen an op-ed piece for The New  York Times, signaling the degree to which he is fed up with the influential  newspaper’s editorial policy on Israel. In a...

As part of his campaign to paint Newt Gingrich as crazy, Mitt Romney has focused on Newt's statement that the Palestinians were an "invented" people.  Romney argued at the Drake University debate Saturday night that Newt had used "incendiary words" which would "create extraordinary tumult" and said "I'm not a...

I have linked to posts by Caroline Glick since the early days of this blog.  Glick is one of the clearest voices on the dangers to Israel and the highly negative effects of Obama administration policy. Glick has weighed in on Newt's comments about the Palestinians...

The Israelis want to rebuilt a foot bridge called the Mugrabi bridge.  The original bridge collapsed in 2004, so the Israelis built a temporary bridge which now is unsafe. Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are claiming that replacing the bridge is an attack on the al-Aksa...

I posted two days ago about the interrelationship between the Obama campaign and the Center for American Progress, White House and Think Progress merger complete.  A former senior Obama campaign staffer now runs CAP, and a current senior CAP strategist is set to take over...

Wow, just wow. Republican Mark Reed is running for Congress in California's 30th District against Democratic Congressmen Brad Sherman and Howard Berman in a new district resulting from redistricting.  Reed is a conservative, Tea Party backer. Reed is making a big deal about the Obama administration's policy towards Israel,...

On June 6, 2010, I asked the question Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term? This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who, among other things, claim to believe in freedom of speech, women’s rights...

Like I said Friday, the fuse has been lit.  I think it's too late for Assad to put it out without a major blow up. Now the Arab League, in an unprecedented move, has imposed economic sanctions on Syria, including travel bans on senior officials and...

Yesterday I noted the accusation by an anti-Israeli LGBT activist writing in The New York Times that Israel engages in "pinkwashing," the promotion of its not-gay bashing, not-gay stoning, not-gay hating policies to cover up its suppression of Palestinians. How long before Israel is accused of...

Every time one thinks it is impossible for Israel haters to come out with a more bizarre justification for hating Israel, someone comes up with an even more bizarre justification. Today's exhibit is City University of New York Professor Sara Schulman, who is feverishly anti-Israeli to...