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Israel Tag

I posted yesterday about a U.N. report finding that Israel's sea blockade of Gaza is legal under international law, that Israel had a right to board and search the vessels in the May 2010 Gaza flottila (organized by a Turkish Islamist group), and that the Israelis...

When they say Boycott Divest and Sanction Israel, they don't really mean it.  Those are just code words for Destroy Israel. Below is a video of a demonstration in London as part of the BDS(D) movement, via @EliLake, who notes At the link is this image: And this video. ...

This is classic (h/t BlazingCatFur). A member of the anti-Israel Boycott Divest Sanction movement (we've seen their moonbat tactics before) confronted Muslim shop owners in London demanding that they not sell Israeli products.  The shop owners were not intimidated and demanded to know why she wasn't in...

From @MargieInTelAviv: I would add one thing, "Easy, just stop firing rockets at us ...

As explained in The Secret Passion of the New Antisemitism (h/t @yaacovlozowick): What distinguishes antisemitic propaganda from legitimate criticism, then, is the stubborn insistence on holding Israel to standards from which other countries are exempt, and the demand that Jews be denied a right to which other...

There were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Israel overnight (our time, noon Israeli time).  At least six people were killed, and the attacks apparently emanated, at least in part, from Egyptian territory. Israel Matzav is gathering the latest information. Updates: The Israel Defense Forces reports that...

No surprise here.  Jewish students at the University of California, Berkeley, have filed a lawsuit (h/t) claiming that university officials have failed to protect Jewish students from harassment and intimidation by anti-Israeli groups: A pattern of harassment and physical assaults by members of two Muslim student groups...

As part of the continuing attempt to blame the "right wing blogosphere" for the shooting and bombing in Norway, two Norwegians take to the pages of The NY Times (h/t Left Coast Rebel) to decry the cabal of right wing bloggers and other supposed Islamophobes. Notice how easily...

These statements by Norway's Ambassador to Israel are deeply troubling, particularly at this time (via Israel Matzav): Norway's ambassador to Israel drew distinctions between the Oslo and Utoeya massacres and Palestinian terrorism. Svein Sevje said in an Israeli newspaper interview Tuesday that while the Norwergian bomb and...

I have written often about the willingness of Islamists and Leftists to cooperate when it comes to an anti-Israel agenda.  That coalition has expanded its base from Europe and the United States to the birthplace of the Arab Spring: Early this month, the authority in charge...

Taking wasted energy from auto traffic and turning it into electricity sounds hard to believe, but these Israeli researchers may be onto something (h/t LukeHandCool): Scientists in Israel say they have invented a way of turning traffic into electricity. The bright sparks at the country's Technion Institute of Technology...

March 25, 2010: But Mr Obama was less inclined to be so conciliatory. He immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands designed both to the end the feud with his administration and to build Palestinian confidence ahead of the resumption of peace talks....

Thanks to IsraellyCool for reminding me that today also is the 35th anniversary of the Israeli hostage rescue raid in Entebbe, in which Jonathan Nethanyahu, commander of the raid and brother of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was killed. You know the story. I...

Is there any doubt that if Obama could do it on his own, Jerusalem would be divided and Israel forced back to the 1949 armistice borders?  A point I have made before is that the real danger comes in a second term, when he is freed of...

I'll be updating links and reports about the Gaza Flotilla 2 throughout the day, although if someone just happened to fall off one of the ships, maybe I'll do a separate post.  Feel free to add in links in the comments. Israel Matzav has a good...