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Israel Tag

Jeffrey Goldberg writes a ridiculous article expressing indignation that Bibi Netanyahu used the word "expect" in connection with U.S. policy towards Israel, Dear Mr. Netanyahu, Please Don't Speak to My President That Way:For whatever reason, I tend to react strongly when a foreign leader disrespects...

Why yesterday for Obama to unload the demand that Israel withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, with some negotiated land swaps?  Contrary to what some are claiming, this is a new formulation.  Under the Obama formulation, Israel has a land mass fixed by the 1949 armistice lines,...

That's pretty much the upshot of Obama coming down firmly on the side of the pre-1967 borders being the end result of a peace agreement, plus some land swapping.While some have contended this merely states prior policy, there is an important shift.  Prior policy emphasized the...

Israel's pre-1967 borders had no geographical or military logic.  Those borders simply were the armistice lines after the Arabs failed to drive the Jews into the sea.The border is not defensible, as it leaves the middle of Israel only about 10 miles wide.  One of the reasons...

Barack Obama is going to speak today about the Middle East.It will be a historic speaking.  He will speak to the world.  He will tell us what we are incapable of knowing without him speaking.  Everyone will watch, and listen, because he is going to...

A return to their good old days in 1929 (almost 20 years before the creation of Israel), when they massacred Jews in Hebron and destroyed an 800-year old Jewish community (h/t):Remember, when a Jew now builds in Hebron, it is an "illegitimate" settlement.--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

The PLO was cozy with Saddam Hussein, in a marriage born of hatred of Israel.  When Saddam was overthrown, Palestinians lost not only an important ally, but also experienced a backlash from Iraqis.Palestinians appear to be making the same mistake again, throwing in with the...

Actually, I'd rather watch sausage being made.International humanitarian law, while it sounds nice, often is nothing more than power politics.  Witness Turkey's attempt to manipulate and influence a draft U.N. report on last summer's Gaza flotilla, sponsored in substantial part by Turkish Islamist organizations:The first...

This is not very surprising, in fact it was predicted days ago.The Syrian government, with the encouragement of anti-Israel Palestinian groups, Hezbollah and the Iranians, has sent hundreds of supposed "Palestinian refugess" surging across the Israeli border in the Golan in an attempt to provoke...

As more details have come out about the decision-making process which led to the raid on Osama bin Laden's compount, it is clear that the decision was tantamount to placing a bet.  As Obama acknowledged during his 60 Minutes interview, there was only slightly better...

Quite an interesting discussion in 1978 on the U.S. TV show “The Advocate.” He looks familiar, I just can't place the name.(via LE)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I wondered last week why the Iranian Defense Ministry was becoming more vocal in its criticism of Siemens for supposedly helping Israel and the West with the Stuxnet virus which has infected Iran's nuclear program.This may be the reason, as detailed by the Jerusalem Post:Iran has been...

I may have found a new go-to website,, which produced the Google Exodus video I posted earlier this morning, and this video:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

You have to know the story to get it (h/t Anne):--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Israeli has arrested two teenage Palestininians from a village near where the Fogel family lived for the murder of the five Fogel family members, including three children.  As reported by the Jersusalem Post (h/t Israel Matzav):Two Palestinian youths from the village of Awarta were arrested in...

Via The Muqata comes the video below of the Israeli Iron Dome system taking down a Kassam rocket fired from Gaza.  The technology is not perfect, but it has taken down numerous Hamas rockets in the past few days:The success of the Iron Dome missile...

What is it with Nobel Peace Prize winners lately?Now its 2005 Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei threatening war with Israel if Israel gets into another war with Hamas in Gaza:Former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who had previously announced his intetions to run for...

As noted yesterday, Richard Goldstone has recanted and regretted much of his report issued on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing Israel of serious war crimes during the Gaza war.So how do we cleanse the world of the putrid stench of the...