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Israel Tag

The Report issued by Richard Goldstone on the Gaza war is the single most influential document in the arsenal of those around the world -- including on campuses in the United States -- who seek to demonize and delegitimize Israel. That Goldstone is Jewish gave supposed...

From The Muqata:Talmud Study now Mandatory in South Korea Close to 50 million people live in South Korea, and everyone learns Gemara (Talmud) in school. "We tried to understand why the Jews are geniuses, and we came to the conclusion that it is because they...

Reports are just filtering in of a bus bombing in Jerusalem.  I'll update as casualties and other information is reported.This is not surprising.  Hamas several days ago launched dozens of mortars against Israel leading to a round of retaliation, and the Israeli Fogel family was...

With that single sentence made to her Israeli hosts, Sarah Palin demonstrated a greater understanding of the problems confronting Israel than the collective wisdom of all the J.D.'s, Ph.D's, and Masters of International Affairs in the Obama administration combined.The question was profound, as simple as it were, because it addressed the narrative of...

A few weeks ago I posted a video of anti-Israel activists from the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement who targeted Aroma Cafe, an Israeli coffee shop chain, as they do a wide range of Israeli-related products and companies.Their thing is to create flashmobs, where they start...

Among the ironies of the intervention in Libya is that those who most bitterly complain about the Israel Lobby were in fact part of a Libya Lobby, as pointed out by David Bernstein earlier this month:As regular readers know, I’ve been highly critical of Professor Stephen Walt...

Being held at Congregation Kehillath Jeshurun in Manhattan.  H/t to Israel Matzav for the link. Starts at noon E.S.T.: TV by Ustream--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Israelis Sitting Shiva For Fogel Family Help Save Palestinian Baby What Kind of PersonPalestinian Terrorist Stabs Infant and Family To Death PrayerFollow me...

What a contrast to the brutal murder of the Fogel family, including their 3 month old baby daughter.Via Ynet News:After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born...

Via Israel Matzav, a translation of the Hebrew prayer hung above the bed of 11-year old Yoav Fogel, murdered in his bed by an intruder who also killed several members of his family, including his baby sister, as they slept:"May it be Your will, L-rd G-d and...

During the so-called Gaza flotilla last summer, I pointed out that the main goal was to bust the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, in which ship heading for Gaza would be inspected for weapons, to open up sea lanes for shipping large quantities of weapons...

stabs a three-month old infant to death?Children have been killed in war before, unfortunately.But the thought of the person or people who stood over her, and what was going through their minds as they cut her, is just unimaginable.More of the photos released by the...

On the anniversary of the Coastal Road Massacre, which I wrote about yesterday, a Palestinian terrorist broke into a Jewish home on the West Bank and stabbed five members of a family, including a one-month old baby, to death while they slept:Five family members were...

Today marks the anniversary of The Coastal Road Massacre, one of the most notorious PLO terrorist attacks on Israel, in which dozens of Israelis were killed when PLO operatives from Lebanon landed at a beach north of Tel Aviv, and proceeded on a killing spree. ...

The video sting operation which showed two senior NPR employees, including Ron Schiller, dining with purported members of a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group which was considering a large donation to NPR, is being presented by NPR and its supporters as some sort of horrific surprise.In fact, the contents of...

Andrew Sullivan loves to accuse conservatives and Republicans of blowing various racial and other dog whistles:The Bald Racism Of Rush Limbaugh ("Is any American more adept at exploiting racial dog whistles?")"Media Is Everything" ("Breitbart, like Drudge, gets the web. He understands its subversive and rhetorical power: the...

Well, maybe with the Libyans and others in the Middle East who, according to The New York Times, have embraced this Israeli spoof of Muammar Gaddafi:A satirical YouTube clip mocking Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s megalomania is fast becoming a popular token of the Libya uprising across...

Aroma Cafe is an Israeli chain of espresso bars which has expanded internationally, including in the U.S.:Being Israeli, Aroma Cafe has come under attack (h/t AussieDave) by the Boycott Divestment Sanction movement of anti-Israeli activists.  Watch as the moonbats protest outside an Aroma Cafe location in New...