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New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal issued a new directive whereby he restricts police officers' cooperation with ICE.  The move is intended to "build trust" between illegal aliens and the police. ICE has responded with an announcement that there will be a "likely increase" in immigration raids in New Jersey.

In the first two years of the Trump presidency, no federal agency has been targeted by the left more than ICE. Just last week, 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris tried to draw a comparison between ICE and the KKK. Campus progressives have also singled out ICE for unfair criticism. In February, students at Rutgers successfully campaigned to have the agency removed from a government jobs fair. Now the law school at Seattle University has severed ties with ICE.

I'd say I can see Sen. Kamala Harris's (D-CA) 2020 presidential aspirations go down the drain, but something tells me this won't affect her. During the confirmation hearing for Ronald Vitello, the acting ICE director, to become the permanent director, Harris asked him if he sees any parallels between ICE and the KKK after she cited a tweet he sent in 2015 where he claimed "the Democrat Party was comparable to a 'liberal-cratic' or 'neo-Klanist' entity."

Yesterday, ICE arrested an illegal alien who was in the process of driving his pregnant wife to the hospital; ICE later stated that the man was picked up on an outstanding warrant for murder in his native Mexico. The media ran with the story, focusing on the "outrage" of arresting him while his wife was left to drive herself to the hospital.

A 33 year old Cambridge, Massachusetts man named Brandon Ziobrowski was arrested this week for a tweet he recently published in which he offered $500 to "anyone" willing to kill an ICE agent. According to reports, he has also used Twitter to call for violence against police officers, and to threaten Senator John McCain.

The House Appropriations Committee has introduced a fiscal year 2019 Homeland Security bill that includes $5 billion for a border wall that spans 200 miles and money to hire more ICE and border patrol agents. This could trigger a showdown with the Senate since that chamber only included $1.6 billion for a wall in its bill. President Donald Trump threatened a shut down of the government if he does not get more.

Authorities arrested Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 36, who allegedly posed as a Lyft driver in San Francisco, CA, in order to lure victims. Lazo received four counts of felony of rape. ICE said he is in the country illegally and "plans to deport" him back to "Peru if he's released from custody on the rape case."

Abolishing ICE is codeword for open borders. And Open Borders is where Democrats have been moving for a generation. Now that slow creep is a full out sprint. While it's been percolating, New York Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated the No. 4 Democrat in the House in a primary earlier this week, set the movement afire.

Amazon employees have circulated a letter demanding that Jeff Bezos cancel sales of facial recognition software to ICE in protest of zero tolerance policies as to illegal border crossers. Those arrests have resulted in some children being temporarily separated from their arrested parents (as happens whenever U.S. citizens are arrested and incarcerated.) If you read the headlines, you'd think the demand to stop sales to ICE was the big story. Here's how The Washington Post headlined it: