House of Representatives | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 23
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House of Representatives Tag

In August, the GOP and PACs associated with it, started preparing ads that target Hillary in case Donald Trump couldn't make a comeback. Now that it's almost certain we will end up with Hillary, the GOP knows the importance of holding the Senate and the House has only grown stronger. With two weeks left, the candidates have unleashed these ads across the country, mirroring their opponents as too similar to Hillary and promise to keep her in check in the White House.

There are varying levels of horrible results for conservatives in the upcoming election. Based on current polling, it certainly looks like Hillary will be the next president. You can argue whether that is better or worse than the alternative for conservatives, but there is no serious argument that losing either the House or the Senate is horrible. In the case of the Senate, it will pave the way for Hillary to push through disastrous judicial nominations. And yes, expect Majority Leader Schumer to raise the nuclear option to the Supreme Court level if Democrats control the Senate by even a single (tie-breaking) vote. The Senate could go either way at present polling. But the House is what stands between conservatives and the political abyss. Think of where we would be if in the first two years of his presidency, when Obama controlled both houses of Congress, he had focused on passing a wide-ranging legislative agenda rather than focusing on Obamacare. All of the executive orders and actions that have been questioned by the courts and can be reversed by the next president would have the force of legislation. Assuming Hillary is the next president and wins in a landslide, Republican control of the House may be the last line of defense.

It's that time of year when Congress will fight over a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. We all know what will happen. They'll talk tough and then pass something at the last minute and go their merry ways. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has faced criticism from Democrats and members of his own party for the Senate's version of the bill. Some of his fellow GOP members believe the version "doesn't include conservative policy proposals." House conservatives want to do what they can to extend this stopgap bill into January so Congress isn't rushed to pass a full spending bill before Christmas.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) revealed that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills immunity as they investigated her private email server.  This kind of news explains why the FBI recommended the DOJ not prosecute Hillary despite overwhelming evidence:
"No wonder they couldn't prosecute a case," Chaffetz said. "They were handing out immunity deals like candy."

The House Oversight Committee has demanded that Reddit preserve deleted posts that an IT technician may have written about Hillary Clinton emails. Earlier this week, Reddit users found an archived post that shows someone asking how to "strip out a VIP's" email address from the to/from fields. No one has confirmed the username "stonetear" belongs to Platte Rivers Network employee Paul Combetta, but people have found connections between his name and the username.

The House Oversight Committee has voted to hold former State Department IT aide Bryan Pogliano after he didn't show up for a hearing last week despite being subpoenaed. Pagliano set up Hillary Clinton's private email server when she served as Secretary of State:
“Subpoenas are not optional,” Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Thursday. “Mr. Pagliano is a crucial fact witness in this committee’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to conduct government business.”

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) has demanded an interview with employees of the IT firm that handled Hillary Clinton's private email server. The demand comes after images of one employee on Reddit asking for advice on how to modify emails. Platte River Networks employees Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton "pleaded the Fifth Amendment when subpoenaed to testify about the server before the House Oversight Committee."

The House Freedom Caucus and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) struck a deal to hold a hearing for IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, thus delaying a Thursday House vote to impeach him. The caucus had submitted a resolution to impeach Koskinen for impeding "Congress' effort to investigate the IRS for tough assessments of Tea Party groups that sought tax exemptions several years ago." Caucus members Members claim Koskinen failed to provide proper email documents and lied about deleting some emails. They also claim he has shown, “little effort to recover the lost documents.”

The House Freedom Caucus submitted a resolution to force a vote to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. They have accused him of hampering, "Congress' effort to investigate the IRS for tough assessments of Tea Party groups that sought tax exemptions several years ago." Caucus members Members claim Koskinen failed to provide proper email documents and lied about deleting some emails. They also claim he has shown, "little effort to recover the lost documents." To speed up the vote, Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) introduced the bill, "under a privileged motion," allowing the bill to bypass committee. The House could vote on the bill as early as Thursday.

The House of Representatives passed a bill allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. The Senate drafted legislation in April. Saudi Arabia threatened economic retaliation if the U.S. passed this bill and the Obama Administration pressured both parties not to proceed with the bill, even though families and victims from 9/11 voiced their approval for the legislation.

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has asked the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia (USADC) to review the email case against Hillary Clinton because evidence "may amount to obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence." The FBI released its notes from its investigation into the private server Hillary used when she served as secretary of state. Agents discovered that some of her aides destroyed a few of her BlackBerry devices with a hammer while no one can find an Archive Laptop with 902 emails. Someone, the FBI blacked out the name, told agents that he/she "deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from the PRN server and used BleachBit to delete the exported."

Controlling the internet is a goal of the progressive left, including the White House, and we've covered one of their angles to that end, net neutrality, here at LI.  On Friday, the House passed a bill that would prohibit the FCC from "setting or setting or reviewing the rates that companies charge for internet service." The Hill reports:
The House on Friday passed a bill to ban the Federal Communications Commission from setting or reviewing the rates that companies charge for internet service. The largely party-line vote is a win for Republicans, who have pushed for the past year to nibble away at the FCC’s internet regulations, which are currently being challenged in federal court.
Obama has indicated that he will veto this bill restraining the FCC's ability to regulate the internet or to set rates (and otherwise pick winners and losers), so as the Hill reports, this bill will not be enacted this year.
The stand-alone bill has no real chance of of being enacted this year with a White House veto threat hanging over it. The FCC says it has no intention of setting the price of internet service under its net neutrality rules, but Democrats argue the bill approved Friday is too expansive.

Ever since it became clear that Paul Ryan would be the next Speaker of the House, there have been mixed feelings on the right about his ascension. Some worried that he isn't conservative enough; others worried that he'd be too much like Boehner. Now that he's in the role and talking about his plans, he sounds like he might be the perfect choice. This report from David Jackson of USA Today is encouraging:
With honeymoon over, Paul Ryan vows 'to go on offense' New House Speaker Paul Ryan figures his honeymoon is already over. It lasted "about 35 minutes," he said on Fox News Sunday in one of a string of interviews he gave following his election to succeed John Boehner as House speaker on Thursday. Not only will Ryan go up against congressional Democrats and the Obama administration, he faces suspicious conservative House members who question his commitment to their cause.

Libertarian Rep. Justin Amash is publicly supporting Paul Ryan in his bid for Speaker of the House, The Detroit News reported Thursday morning. Following House Majority Leader McCarthy's sudden withdrawal from the race for the gavel, Ryan reluctantly agreed to take on the job as Speaker Boehner's replacement, provided he could be a, "unifying figure." The Detroit News reports:
Rep. Justin Amash of Cascade Township said he is among the Republican conservative hard-liners who have decided to back Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan’s bid to become the next speaker of the House. A “supermajority” of the 40-member House Freedom Caucus voted to support Ryan for speaker late Wednesday, giving Ryan sufficient support to win the position, should he decide to run. The vote came after meetings with the House Ways and Means committee chairman this week. The caucus did not meet its 80-percent threshold for a formal endorsement, the group said in a statement. The group previously endorsed Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Florida, for speaker.

Speaking Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan said he would consider running for Speaker of the House. Prior to McCarthy's sudden withdrawal from the Speaker race, Paul adamantly denied any interest in running for the gavel. Paul is now reluctantly willing to reconsider leading up the House Republican caucus if he can be, "a unifying figure."

This just in from The Hill:
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has dropped out of elections for House Speaker. Republicans were to meet Thursday at noon to elect a new Speaker. McCarthy had struggled to win over conservatives, and while he was the favorite to win the closed-door vote, he did not have the votes on the floor to win election.