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Good Bear:Bad Bear:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

They were born that way.  They didn't choose it; no one would make such a choice.  It's not a lifestyle.  They are entitled to the same protected status as other recognized minority groups.  While the framers of the 14th Amendment may not have had them...

Via a link at HotAir, comes another over-the-top mainstream media fluff piece about the Coffee Party, making it out to be more than it is, this time by Agence France-Presse, Coffee Party seeks to outbrew Tea Party in US politics. In case you haven't noticed, I...

Why had I not seen this before? Am I the only one?[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

I couldn't resist the title.Don't get too excited about reports that the Marine Corps. has reserved and refuses to share all local supplies of Port-o-Potties for the Marine Corps. Marathon the day after Jon Stewart's "Restore Sanity" rally.Even if true, you know who ultimately commands the Marine...

Who knew there was such a thing as the Al Gore Support Center?I stumbled upon the website when tracking down Gore's reputed statement about Al and Tipper being the role models for the 1970 movie Love Story, since I was running a movie clip as...

The federal government is forcing states and municipalities to change the lettering on street signs from all CAPS to initial Caps because it supposedly is easier for motorists to read, and therefore will save milliseconds of driver attention which might, I repeat, MIGHT, save lives.I...

Willing to consider additional examples:What happened to D.B. Cooper.Who killed the Hamas guy in Dubai.What grade Obama received in Con Law.Who spread the Stuxnet malware.Why the Democrats thought Obamacare would be popular.When hope lost out to fear.-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:Rhode Island Dem Launches "Let's Scare Grandma"...

Spotted by a reader in Tampa, Florida:Update 9-15-2010:  Thanks to reader Sylvia for e-mailing me this link to an article about the store (it is in St. Peterburg, not Tampa):It's Barack Obama's 100th day as president of an economically depressed country. It's Mahmoud's 169th day as...

From Kathleen Stewart, whose "It Ain't Your Money To Spend" previously graced these pages, comes Taking Out The Trash (in November): (Lyrics here) song lyrics and her album Taking Back America are available online, including the soon to be classic Blame It On The Last Administration.--------------------------------------------Follow me...

On August 16 I wrote about how a post at the Coffee Party website, titled "Reversing the Coffee Party's decline," had been removed from the Coffee Party website after I called attention to the post on August 13.The removed post, along with dozens of comments,...

For the first time in my adult life, I am really worried.“The leader of the free world can’t figure out how to get the umbrella on the other side.” (@RoseDanna)(Photo and quote via Tammy Bruce)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Neuroscientist Paralyzed By LoveCaption This Arkansas Primary Result in 28...

I was on record, before the Cordoba mosque and Islamic Center became a national story after Obama weighed in, that the organizers should have picked a different location, because the location was bound to result in the center being a target of radical Islamists for...

From The Telegraph, Neuroscientist Paralyzed By Love:Matt Frerking, 39, from Portland, Oregon, is left immobile if he even has a romantic thought or sees others showing displays of affection...

Mama Grizzlies are not the only ones:[youtube=](h/t @Israellycool)-------------------------------------------- Related Post:Mama Grizzlies Are Friends of Mine, and You're No Mama Grizzlies Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

to write about today, because I don't want to be the 8,245th person to opine on the mosque, again and again. I'm pretty sure that somewhere along the way in his journey through various positions, Obama stopped at my position before moving on, although I'm...

The international outcry over Iran's practice of stoning women accused of adultery is having an impact on the normally insular Mullahs, as reported by The Guardian:Iran appears to be quietly changing the sentences of Iranians awaiting death by stoning to hanging after international outcry following...

I don't know what the American Family Association is, but this is stupid:Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic...