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Actress Rose McGowan has been one of the most consistent humans when it comes to sexual assault allegations. When she says #BelieveAllWomen she means all women. McGowan once again showed politics will not influence who she believes on this topic. She tweeted that she believes Tara Reade, who accused presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993. McGowan also demanded Biden drop out of the race.

Quentin Tarantino is a director well known for stirring the pot. He's not afraid of controversy as evidenced by the controversial nature of his films which frequently deal with themes of violence, cruelty, bigotry and bloody vengeance. He's also an infamously leftist figure who generally tunes his films to the tastes of an overwhelmingly progressive audience.

When The Dark Knight came out in 2008 it was received as one of the greatest films of the decade. It was a cultural phenomena that reinvented the already tired superhero genre into something new. Most of you reading this will already know that. What's important now looking at the film eleven years later is seeing just how much the tone of that film captures the tension of the societal moment of 2008.

When Joker premiered in August at the Toronto International Film Festival it was met with cheers as a modern masterpiece and an 8-minute standing ovation. The radical new take on the famous DC Comics villain, an homage to the style of Martin Scorsese films like Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, is supposed to be one of the year's best films.

The New Film from the Director of The Last Jedi Knives Out, the newest film by writer/director Rian Johnson, premiered this past weekend at the Toronto International Film Festival and the first reactions and reviews have been spreading out all over Twitter. Unfortunately for movie fans, the movie appears to be a riff on contemporary politics that threatens to stratify viewers.

Whether you love or hate President Donald Trump, you have to acknowledge his actions on criminal justice reforms. You can say the same about Kim Kardashian West. West, who endorsed Hillary Clinton, went on The View this morning. She not only talked about her activist work in criminal justice reform but also praised Trump for signing the First Step Act.

A Disappointing Sequel It Chapter 1 was released just two years ago in 2017 and at the time the movie had a certain novelty to it. It was fresh off the success of Stranger Things and it carried the same E.T/Stand by Me/Goonies/Monster Squad style that made so many of what RedLetterMedia once described as "kids on bikes movies" popular.