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Hillary Clinton Tag

Unable to accept electoral defeat, Hillary Clinton found a new reason she lost the presidential election: misogyny:
"Certainly, misogyny played a role," Clinton said at the Women of the World Summit in New York. "I mean, that just has to be admitted. And why and what the underlying reasons were is what I'm trying to parse out myself."

One of the most astounding revelations from the Podesta email published by Wikileaks was that then interim DNC Chair and CNN commentator Donna Brazile leaked potential primary town hall questions to the Clinton campaign. That was astounding in two regards -- that it happened, and that the media didn't make a bigger deal about it. Just imagine what the media reaction would have been if during the general election it came out that questions during Republican primary debates had been leaked to the Trump campaign. It would have been non-stop, 24/7, foaming at the mouth coverage demanding Trump drop out of the race. We covered the deception:

The 2016 presidential election was, by almost any measure, unconventional and unique.  The Democrats' unfathomable decision to run Hillary Clinton, a woman whose deep and abiding unpopularity among many Americans goes back to the 1990's and HillaryCare—an antipathy that resurfaced when ObamaCare became the focus of the Obama administration, will go down in history as a world-class blunder. A new study of the usefulness and effectiveness of advertising in presidential campaigns addresses the unique nature of the 2016 presidential election and offers insight into the catastrophic failure of the Democrats generally and of Hillary in particular.

A fascinating study by an associate professor at NYU reveals why many voters found Trump the more appealing candidate. Surely, perceptions would change with a gender-reversal, right? Perceptions did change, but not quite in the way they'd assumed. Her Opponent is the brainchild of Maria Guadalupe, associate professor of economics and political science and Joe Salvatore, an associate professor of theater. The resulting play included excerpts from each of the three debates performed by actors:

Remember the middle-school retort when someone would promise to join in on something: "is that a promise, or a threat?" The line comes to mind upon viewing a video that Hillary Clinton put out this past Friday, aired by Morning Joe today. After urging Dems to stay focused on future elections, she declares "let resistance plus persistence" equal progress. Clinton concludes, "I'll be right there with you every step of the way." Hillary puts extra emphasis on those last words: every step of the way. Every step? This is a woman who is not going away. Hillary 2020, anyone?

Legal Insurrection readers may recall my previous review of Don Surber's Trump the Press. Surber, a recovering journalist with over 30 years of experience, consolidated his many blog posts on the woefully inaccurate punditry concerning Donald Trump’s campaign for his first book. The second, Trump the Establishment, features his analysis of the presidential campaign that led to Trump's stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton.

New England Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett has announced he will skip the team's trip to the White House when President Donald Trump honors them. The Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons in a thrilling Super Bowl on Sunday night:
"I haven't thought about it. I am not going to go," the New England Patriots tight end said. "I can elaborate later on in life; right now I am just trying to enjoy this ... People know how I feel about it, just follow me on Twitter."

So the left lost its mind because President Donald Trump said America isn't so innocent after Fox News's Bill O'Reilly stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a killer. I don't blame them. Putin is a killer. He's a schemer that will do anything to grab what he wants. But where was this outrage in 2008 when then-presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama wanted to start over with Russia? Where was this outrage when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a reset button?

Joe Scarborough reported something stunning on today's Morning Joe—an insight into just how blatantly, consciously biased one of America's leading newspapers was in its effort to elect Hillary Clinton. Said Scarborough:

"There was somebody that held an extraordinarily important position in print media who brought their people together after Hillary Clinton lost and literally said, 'we did the best we could do. We tried and we failed. But we did the best we could do.'"

The nightmare casting has begun. Fresh off her second failed presidential bid, and Hillary's chances at running New York City are being weighed. A Quinnipiac poll released today tested a hypothetical Hillary mayoral race against that of incumbent, Mayor Bill de Blasio. Several other local politicians were thrown into the mix for fun.

The Clinton Foundation has decided to eliminate the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the networking platform for the charity. The foundation filed a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) with the New York Department of Labor. The foundation will lay off 22 employees and shut down its New York main office. The process began in September as the charity continued to lose foreign donations, "signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work."

Hillary's email problems aren't going away just because the election is over. A watchdog within the Department of Justice announced Thursday it would be reviewing Director Comey's investigation into Hillary's use of a private email account and a homebrewed server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The DOJ's Inspector General Michael Horowitz indicated numerous "Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public" requested the review.

The FBI published around 300 pages of documents associated with Hillary Clinton's email investigation on Sunday night when the most of us enjoyed football, hockey, or the Golden Globes. These emails include discussions within Hillary's team about the computer hardware during the FBI's investigation:
At first, Clinton was unwilling to surrender her private server, but hacked emails appear to show her team advised her to let the FBI take control of the materials.

Yes, apparently some major Democratic donors have started pushing Hillary Clinton to run for New York City mayor. John Gizzi, the White House correspondent for Newsmax, heard the rumors from unanimous sources and said that her "inner circle" has become "intrigued" by the idea. Not shocking, really, since the Clintons yearn for the spotlight in politics and who really thought she would go quietly into the night after President-elect Donald Trump defeated her on November 8? These rumors have really taken off with the New York Post editorial board urging her to run, even before anyone has confirmed if she would do it: