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Health Care Tag

Saturday, November 21, 2009. State: Louisiana. Verdict: Bad Day. Proof:LSU butchers final few seconds"It's not $100 million; it's $300 million!"Somebody is not happy.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

It gets curiouser and curiouser.Yesterday, Mary Landrieu closed the deal for a payoff to Louisiana in exchange for her vote to let Harry Reid's health care restructuring bill go to Senate floor debate. The deal had been negotiated over weeks, with initial reports putting the...

Mary Landrieu should make Edwin Edwards proud. After being criticized for taking $100 million in earmarked aid for Louisiana as part of Harry Reid's health care bill, Landrieu shot back:“I will correct something. It’s not $100 million, it’s $300 million, and I’m proud of it...

The students taking over buildings at U.C. Berkeley are protesting large pending tuition increases. The ultra-liberal campus has a sense of entitlement out of whack with the reality of California; liberal economic policies have ruined California's economy, so these students will have to get used...

I've spent some time going through Harry Reid's 2,074 page health care restructuring bill. If you read the dozens of prior posts regarding prior versions, you pretty much know the story. There are many good analyses of the tax and other aspects, so read up.While...

Latest tracking poll from Rasmussen shows Obama at -14% on the strongly approve/strongly disapprove index. Look at the chart, and it shows a steady rise in negatives and steady fall in positives, for month after month since the Democrats rolled out their health care plans....

Harry Reid wants a Saturday night vote to open debate in the Senate on Reid's 2,074 page attempt to restructure the health care system.What will the Senator then do? Actually start debate? No, they will leave for the Thanksgiving break.So what's the hurry? The same...

Tom Coburn (R-Ok) may request, as is his right under Senate Rules, that the entire 2,027 page Harry Reid health care restructuring bill be read out loud on the floor of the Senate prior to debate: A little quick math shows that at a minute...

There is one number about which Harry Reid and the Democrats almost never talk: 255 million.That is the number of Americans who have health insurance, according to the September 2009 Report released by the Census Bureau (at page 20). The vast majority of those people...

It is clear that Democrats, who opposed shock and awe on the actual battlefield, find it a useful tactic in the health care debate.Last night, Harry Reid released the 2,074 page bill he created in secret, and he wants to start debate immediately. If he...

Harry Reid and his Democratic band of friends want to impose a 5% excise tax on all elective cosmetic surgeries (those which are not needed to repair deformaties or injuries caused by an accident or disfiguring disease). It's all in Section 9017 of Harry Reid's...

Finally, Harry Reid has released his health care restructuring bill. It is a whopping 2,074 pages.And it will save money, is his spin. The CBO report is not yet posted on its website and has not been released by Reid, so it may not be...

From Politico:With the president’s year-end deadline for health care reform looming, congressional Democrats know they’ll almost certainly have to short-circuit the legislative process to get the bill done. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Any day (minute, hour?) Harry Reid will release his health care restructuring plan. If reports are true, Reid plans to start debate as soon as he can get the necessary votes, and have the Senate work Saturdays until Reid gets his up or down vote...

Ezra Klein posts The $900 billion mistake, about how Barack Obama picked that number out of thin air in his September 2009 speech on health care, as to what health care reform should cost. That arbitrary number has flummoxed Democrats in coming up with a...

Harry Reid has a big announcement: Debate will start on Monday on the health care bill! (Assuming Reid gets enough votes to start debate).Which health care bill? We do not know. Reid has not released the bill. He's keeping it in his rather-large back pocket...

Is it possible to pay more than 100% of your last dollar of income in taxes? And if it were, would you bother to earn that last dollar?Herein lies the key to how Democrats will obtain a permanent, economically-enslaved majority if universal income-based health care...

Barbara Boxer (D-Ca) is proclaiming she has enough votes in the Senate to block the equivalent of the Stupak Amendment from being attached to any Senate health care bill.Ok, then what?The only reason the House was able to pass a health care bill was that...