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Health Care Tag

Michael Moore is calling for a boycott of Connecticut because of Joe Lieberman. Yes, the whole state is persona non grata because Independent Joe acted like Independent Joe:"People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country? We hold u responsible. Start recall of Lieberman...

As a follow up to my prior post, Read It Out Loud, note that today the clerk of the Senate is reading a version of the health care monstrosity out loud on the Senate floor, at the request of Tom Coburn, in response to an...

The headline in USA Today/Gallup's latest health care poll is that the public, by a 48-46% margin, is against or leaning against the current health care proposal:Forty-six percent of Americans say they would advise their member of Congress to vote for healthcare legislation (or lean...

Obama yesterday:"From the discussions we had, it's clear we are on the precipice of achievement that's eluded Congresses, presidents for generations -- an achievement that will touch the lives of nearly every American." It appears, from the context, Obama was intending to use the word...

Has anyone seen Senator Evan Bayh (D-Indiana)? He has gone missing on the health care debate.The almost VP-nominee has flown so far under the radar that a Google News search for "Evan Bayh health care" for the past month turns up very little as to...

Steve Benen, at Washington Monthly, suggests that the enthusiastic and open embrace by some single-payer advocates of the "Medicare buy-in" idea floated by Harry Reid, as a device to obtain a single-payer system, may have scared Joe Lieberman away from the idea.Benen laments that such...

I have to hand it to Harry Reid. He may be on the verge of pulling off the ultimate card play.Reid managed to get everyone excited and fearful through a whispering campaign about a last-minute "compromise" to expand Medicare, even though we can't pay for...

Good for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which leads the way in supporting breast cancer awareness and research.In a statement just released, the Komen Foundation refuses to cave in to the despicable attempt by Jane Hamsher and some of her followers to force the Komen...

Not content to call upon the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fire Hadassah Lieberman, Jane Hamsher now is trying to organize secondary pressure on the Komen Foundation through various celebrities who are involved with the organization. The online Petition states:As I said before, it's a...

John Hawkins has an interesting post regarding a conversation he had with a Senate staffer on the chances of Obama-Pelosi-Reid-care passing this year (not likely) or in January (50/50):John: But still, it's looking grim right?Senate Aide X: They are in much worse shape now than...

Well, we can't have Senators being forthright with their colleagues face-to-face. That is worthy of this headline:No, what we need is more sniveling backstabbing and double-talk.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and affiliated Susan G. Komen for the Cure spearhead efforts to raise funds for and awareness of breast cancer. Joe Lieberman's wife, Hadassah, has a compensated position as a "global ambassador."But Joe Lieberman doesn't tow the leftist line...

How often have we heard the left-wing blogs blather about the greatness of Medicare. How often do we hear how happy people are with Medicare, and how that proves that government run health plans should be extended to everyone.But there is a big, ugly lie...

Harry Reid needs more than a weekend off. Perhaps we should, in the national interest, schedule a series of fundraisers for Reid running through the end of the year.I say this because scheduling a fundraiser for Reid appears to be the only way to get...

Over the summer I repeatedly sounded the alarm about one particular aspect of the Democratic health care proposals, the mandate that individuals purchase insurance under threat of penalty or incarceration. At the time I noted the unprecedented nature of the mandate, in my post Taxing...

No, not another Tiger Woods post. A "pick me up" as in lifting my spirits just a little as I read the headlines about Harry Reid desperately trying to talk his way into something, anything, Barack Obama can sign prior to the State of the...

In recent days Democrats started floating the idea of a "Medicare Buy-In" proposal, and as of last night, there appears to be a deal, although the details are not fully known. I addressed the lack of merits in a prior post.What is critical is that...

The latest Democratic ploy to get to a single-payer system is a wolf in sheep's clothing hidden inside a Trojan horse.According to reports, "moderate" and "liberal" Democrats are proposing a massive expansion of Medicare and Medicaid as a substitute for a "public option":Senate Democratic liberals...