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Health Care Tag

I realize I have re-posted this a number of times. The original post was November 11, 2008, a week after Obama's first election.  Because I knew we had elected Door No. 2. Watching Ted Cruz and others on the floor of the Senate tonight, I have to...

Senator Ted Cruz is currently "filibustering" on the Senate floor to #MakeDCListen on defunding Obamacare.  According to various pundits and outlets, this is not technically a filibuster of course, but Professor Jacobson explains that a vote for cloture is a vote for Harry Reid. Live Twitter feed at bottom of post. Update: It's over. By Senate rule, the new Senate "day" started at noon, and Cruz lost the floor. He spoke for almost 22 hours. [caption id="attachment_65901" align="alignnone" width="503"](Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013) (Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013)[/caption]

Um, Michelle Malkin's health insurance will not be renewed due to Obamacare. Destruction of the private insurance market is what Obamacare is all about.  We've been saying that since the earliest days of the earliest drafts in the summer of 2009. It's not about expanding coverage to people who need it. Politifact Obamacare It's about leaving nothing left except government care.  And no, you can't keep your doctor or your present insurance.

Two videos have been released by Generation Operation as part of a national campus push to convince young people not to sign up for Obamacare. If young people don't sign up, Obamacare become even more unsustainable, because the voodoo-economics behind it depend on the system sucking money out of the young to subsidize the less-young. First, for the ladies: Gentlemen, you're up next -- LEAN FORWARD! This was trolling extraordinaire.  What really inflames the left about these videos is that the group receives funding from a group to which the Koch brothers contribute.  That's enough of a connection to make these videos like flames to moths. The reaction has been severe hyperventilation, and attempts to dismiss it all as nonsense.  Those reactions are trying too hard. In the world of low information voters, these types of video approaches are just what the doctor ordered.  It's the imagery that matters. Here are some of the creepiest reactions:

1. Gawker

So obsessed with the Koch brothers, they even included a gif of David Koch in the same position as Uncle Sam: Creepy Obamacare Ad - Gawker1 Gawker Koch Creepy Obamacare

Obamacare’s start date, October 1st,  is rapidly approaching. As the impending Tuesday draws nearer and nearer, new headlines are drawing attention to unsettling aspects of the system. Troubling enough was the NSA surveillance scandal this summer. Now, add sensitive medical information to the mix.  Concerned citizens...

The president's latest radio address is a classic example of Obamaspeak. We've grown used to the drill. First, some empty words about how he's going to help the economy and the middle class. Then sanguine projections about what his program (in this case, Obamacare) will do...

Harry Reid stated on Friday that Obamacare was just a step in the direction of a single-payer health care system:
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.” “What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said. When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether he meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”
It was treated as breaking news. Headlines Harry Reid Single Payer Some Republicans also seemed shocked: This announcement, however, was neither breaking news nor reason to be shocked. Democrats have been saying that Obamacare was just a step in the right direction since the days in which Obamacare was first proposed: Obama has been telling us that single payer was the goal since the time he was just a twinkle in the eye of the Chicago political machine (video via Hot Air):

Muddling through is becoming a kind description for the implementation of Obamacare. In addition to a multitude of operational problems and cost misfires we recently learned that the employer mandate would be delayed for a year. On Friday another shoe dropped. The government is delaying for...

As Mandy Nagy previously noted here, the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, will now be delayed until 2015. The decision to delay Obamacare's employer mandate could cost the U.S. billions:— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) July 4, 2013 News of the O-care employer...

That's the format of a joke I often told about calling up state regulators when I was in private practice. They go off duty at 5 p.m., so the phone stops being answered at a few minutes before because a conversation started at 4:57...

The University of Virginia expects to incur a $7 million bill from Obamacare’s employer penalties, said Susan Carkeek, the University’s vice president and chief human resources officer. “We’re expecting fairly significant cost implications from the Affordable Care Act that pass on new penalties and charges,...

Now they tell them! President Obama's enemies often accuse him, in the starkest political terms, of crudely acting to shift resources toward his political base: Green energy donors; single women; Latinos; African-Americans. But the next 12 months are likely to reveal the opposite. Imminent elements of Obama's...