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Florida Tag

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi received a less than warm welcome in Miami Wednesday. When Pelosi was headed into a meeting with Democrat activists and leaders, a group of pro-Trump Cuban Americans (as identified by the video's title), yelled profanities at her, saying, "F*cking Communist! You don't belong here, f*cking Communist!"

On October 3, 2018, Michael Dunn—a City Commissioner for the city of Lakeland, FL—shot and killed Cristobal Lopez as Lopez shoplifted a hatchet from Dunn’s store, reports TheLedger, a local paper. The shooting occurred as Dunn was attempting to stop Lopez from leaving the store with the hatchet. The store's security recording captured the struggle at the door, the shooting, and the rapid demise of Lopez. You can be view below our video analysis of this shooting:

The left's enthusiasm about Bernie-backed Andrew Gillum Winning the Florida Governor Democrat primary may be misplaced.  Because his primary opponents were focused on President Trump, not on the Tallahassee mayor who seemed such a long-shot, Gillum sailed through the primary unscathed.  This will not be the case in his race against Republican Ron DeSantis, and the DeSantis team will have a lot to work with.

Tuesday had a bunch of primaries, but Florida and Arizona caught my eyes. Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a progressive backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), managed to win the Democrat primary for the Florida governor race and is the first black nominee for the position. Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ), defeated former state senator Kelli Ward and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the Republican primary to take over retiring Sen. Jeff Flake's seat.

The Cook Political Report has moved three House GOP seats to Toss Up from Lean Republican after new polling came out. Another race slipped a little, moving to Lean Republican from Likely Republican. While it may not seem like a big deal, we know the Democrats want the House back and any momentum the Republicans lose, you know the Democrats will jump on the opportunity.

Two weeks before Florida's primary day, Marc Caputo at Politico has some data that could dampen the hopes of the Democrat Party to gain wins in the swing state. The state's elections division shows Democratic voter registration in Florida fell by almost two points since 2016 while Republican voter registration remained steady.

Following the Parkland shooting that left 17 people dead, the Broward County School District commissioned an independent review.  The review, conducted by the Collaborative Educational Network of Tallahassee, found that the shooter was inappropriately denied special needs accommodations at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Florida's Republican governor Rick Scott is challenging Democrat Bill Nelson for the U.S. Senate this fall. Nelson has been in office since 2001. The GOP believes this is one of the seats they can pick up and they have good reasons to think so.

A 72-year-old Miami man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and attempted arson after police received a tip.  During a subsequent search, they found a storage room containing "28 containers with gasoline, sulfur powder, and potassium nitrate." Walter Stolper was facing eviction from his condo and had reportedly stated that he wanted to "kill all the Jews" in the building.  Police found "Nazi reading material and a Swastika" in Stolper's condo.

The hits keep coming at the Broward Sheriff office after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. The Miami Herald has reported that paramedics begged the office to enter the school to save the wounded, but the captain at the scene said no:
Michael McNally, deputy chief for Coral Springs fire-rescue, asked six times for permission to send in specialized teams of police officers and paramedics, according to an incident report he filed after the Feb. 14 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 people dead.