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Florida Tag

Earlier today Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law gun control measures meant to address concerns after the Parkland school shooting. One provision provides that all firearm sales are limited to persons at least 21 years old. Previously that age minimum only applied to handguns.

The more we learn about the law enforcement response, or lack thereof, to the Parkland school shooting, the worse the situation gets. Scot Peterson, the armed school deputy who stayed outside while 17 people were murdered claimed he heard shots outside of the school, which would explain his failure to engage the shooter. Peterson resigned after being placed on unpaid suspension for his failure to act.

Great news for the first amendment in Florida, assuming the bill survives Florida's Senate, of course. Despite their name, campus free speech zones are often used to marginalize free speech and allow the veritable persecution of "wrong" speech. From Florida local news, WCTV: Florida's House of Representatives...

The latest Florida school shooting is not just tragic, but as one reader pointed out, atrocious. Atrocious because every law enforcement agency involved ignored eleventy billion (approximately) red flags. As more information becomes available, it's looking more and more like there are some serious problems within the Broward County Sherrif's department. We've chronicled several of those here, here, and here.

On Valentine's Day, a 19-year-old murdered 17 kids at Majorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Since then, the media has flaunted survivors and their families who vocalize an anti-NRA and anti-gun message. Despite these efforts, a gun show in Tampa, FL, had record attendance this past weekend with as many as 7,000 people on Saturday.

The Stoneman High School JROTC performed heroically during the shooting at their school in Parkland, Florida.  Two JROTC enlistees herded students and teachers into a room and shielded them with kevlar, their quick actions undoubtedly saved not only their own lives but those of others under their protection. A third JROTC member, Cadet Peter Wang, was just as heroic but did not survive.  Wang ushered students into a different classroom and was killed in his valiant efforts to save others.

We recently noted that the FBI dropped the ball on the Parkland shooter, having received a very specific and explicit warning about Nikolas Cruz in early January 2018. That warning, including that Cruz was a potential school shooter, was ignored by the FBI. Yet the more we learn about everything that came before the attack, the worse it gets. There were so many red flags.

This is why it's so hard to report or even follow a fluid situation. While the leader of this nationalist group said Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz belonged to the group, it's important to remember these people, like ISIS, long to remain in the spotlight and take credit for tragedies. Of course the media showed its eagerness to show that Cruz belonged to a racist group, but it turns out he never belonged.

BuzzFeed News dropped a bombshell today with a report that the FBI received a warning last fall from a YouTube vlogger and bail bondsman about a comment from a Nikolas Cruz. He supposedly said, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz attacked students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on Wednesday and killed 17 people. Officials charged him with 17 counts of premeditated murder on Thursday.