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Elizabeth Warren Tag

You owe us, and we want our fair share of all that money you are raising online. You built a campaign out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your message to market on bandwidth the  rest of us paid for; you hired workers...

No one could have seen this coming, right? Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up a lead against Republican incumbent Scott Brown for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, but a barrage of attack ads appears to have damaged Warren and Brown’s standing among Massachusetts...

Elizabeth Warren claimed to have provided the intellectual foundation for the Occupy movement, and of course, articulated one of the most pure redistributionist rationales which made her a hero of the Occupy movement. But Warren has found a place she does not want Occupied, her employer Harvard...

Elizabeth Warren has stepped in it with her boast that she created the Occupy Wall Street movement: “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do,” she says. “I support what they do.” Warren's boast was an overstatement much akin to Al Gore's claim of...