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The Democrats salivated when Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) called GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump a role model. Her opponent Gov. Maggie Hassan held a press call and released a web ad over it. Pollsters even said the comment and Ayotte's attempt to walk back hurt her chances for re-election. But did it? From The Boston Globe:
Ayotte, a Republican, leads her challenger, Governor Maggie Hassan, a Democrat, 47 percent to 41 percent, in poll of the high-stakes race for US Senate. The poll was performed on Monday to Wednesday this week, surveying voters before and after the US Senate debate earlier this week during which Ayotte said “absolutely” Trump is a role model for her children. Hours later Ayotte said she misspoke. In any case, the poll did not show any erosion of support for Ayotte following her comment. But Hassan’s campaign will begin airing a one minute-long television advertisement Friday that highlights her debate mishap.

Right, Donny. Because who could ever come up with an argument against Hillary Clinton, possibly the most corrupt, scandal-ridden, jaded candidate in the history of presidential politics? On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, to his credit, fulminated against anti-Trump MSM reporters who are supposed to write stories down the middle but are instead "openly cheering for Hillary Clinton." That's when Donny Deutsch defended media bias, saying that reporters have a "conscience" and that "sometimes there's no other side to an argument."

We'll admit it up front: there's not much redeeming social value in the story we're about to present you. Let's just call this political entertainment of the pugilistic sort between two people who clearly have little use for each other. Over the course of a longish segment on today's With All Due Respect, Trump surrogate Boris Epshteyn and Gary Johnson backer Liz Mair engaged in a running battle. The barbs came fast and furious, with, among other things: Mair—playing the sexism card—ripping Epshteyn for interrupting her; Boris noting Mair's fascination with the word "butt" and taunting her over not having a job this election cycle; and Mair suggesting that Boris had trouble keeping up with the news. At the end, when John Heilemann facetiously observed that it had been a real "lovefest," Mair retorted "I don't do the loving, I do the hating."

Former Massachusetts Governor and current Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate Bill Weld has a new political mission and surprisingly, it has nothing to do with helping Gary Johnson win the presidency. Weld simply doesn't want Trump to win, so he plans to focus on attacking him. The Boston Globe reports:
VP hopeful Weld is more interested in attacking Trump The Libertarian vice presidential candidate, William F. Weld, said Tuesday that he plans to focus exclusively on blasting Donald Trump over the next five weeks, a strategic pivot aimed at denying Trump the White House and giving himself a key role in helping to rebuild the GOP.

The GOP has recently gained momentum in its race to keep the majority in the Senate, but a slip of the tongue from incumbent Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) could bring everything down. During her debate with her opponent Gov. Maggie Hassan, Ayotte told the moderator she considers GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump a role model:
“I think that certainly there are many role models that we have and I believe he can serve as president, and so absolutely I would do that,” she said awkwardly.
Democrats wasted no time jumping on her comments and using it to their advantage. It may just work

In September, we noted that Avengers writer Joss Whedon gathered a few of his celebrity friends and produced "Save the Day” as a way to encourage people to show up at the polls come Election Day. While it was not hard to see the production as pro-Clinton, a group of talented deplorable citizens gathered together to make the best political ad to date in response the glitterati's pleas.

Joe Scarborough was probably just trying to make the point that Donald Trump is very unpopular with black voters, but he wound up saying something that some might view as insulting to African-Americans. Interviewing Al Sharpton on today's Morning Joe, he asked about the Rev's view that Hillary has not been doing enough to appeal to black voters. As Sharpton prefaced his remarks by observing that Hillary is way ahead of Trump among black voters, Scarborough interjected "my dog's way ahead of Trump among black voters." It's amusing to watch the video: as Joe gets to the end of his statement, it seems to dawn on him that he's wandered down a dangerous path, but by then it's too late so he plows ahead!

Publisher Ishi Press International has put pictures of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on its new edition of Adolf Hitler speeches:
My New Order: Volumes One and Two cover Hitler’s speeches from 1918 to 1941. Volume One’s back cover features a picture raising his hand in a gesture similar to a Nazi salute. In a blurb about the book published on Amazon, publisher Ishi Press International claims “There are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. “Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand,” the blurb continues.

This Insurrectionist finds Mark Halperin to be among the most cautious and level-headed of pundits. The With All Due Respect host typically avoids wild speculation and is generally of the on-the-one-hand and on the other school of analysis. So it was striking that on today's Morning Joe, Halperin, with some prodding from Joe Scarborough, suggested that Donald Trump might be planning a big October surprise in the nature of a "revelation" about Hillary Clinton. One sensed that Halperin had some inside knowledge of the situation, though all he mentioned in support of his theory is that Trump is surrounded by people such as David Bossie, who has spent a quarter-century investigating the Clintons' personal lives.

The Clinton campaign's rollout of the "fat shaming" claim against Donald Trump has been a thing to see. This is part and parcel of what has become media collusion with the Clinton campaign, including the coordinated campaign and media rollout of the “fat-shaming” claim. (As to which Trump has completely taken the bait, as the Clinton campaign in-house psychological profilers likely predicted.) Molly Hemingway at The Federalist notes, Alicia Machado Is 2016’s Sandra Fluke, A Democratic Public Relations Scam:
But when Clinton talks about Machado, and runs conference calls for the media with her, and sets up photo shoots with her, and whatnot, everyone just complies and forgets to mention they’re taking marching orders from the campaign. How else to explain how everyone chose the same angle as the Clinton campaign asked them to? Media outlets could have noted that they themselves were calling Machado a fatty-boombaladdy at the exact same time Trump made his remarks. They could have noted that beauty pageant winners are generally judged by their … how do you say it … BEAUTY. Or they could have chosen entirely different angles.

I have been following the developments related to the police shooting of Alfred Olango, after he took a shooting a stance and failed to comply with responding officers' orders following a disturbance he created. Perhaps inspired by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's innovative outreach to the black community, one plucky supporter donned his "Make America Great Again" attire and headed to the scene of protests that have ensued since the incident. Feras Jabro, 21, a San Diego State student videotaped his experience on Periscope. Shockingly, the social justice crowd decided to give him some mob justice instead.

Mika Brzezinski prefaced her remarks by saying she wanted to phrase them "carefully," but then, in the most careless way, Brzezinski clearly accused Donald Trump of being mentally ill. On today's Morning Joe, reacting to a depiction of Trump by New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters as being incapable of taking criticism of his performance, leading his advisers to communicate with him via the media, Mika said that was "very sick" and "it sounds like they're dealing with someone who, doesn't—how do I say this carefully—is very troubled, is very disturbed."