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The Clean Air Moms Action, part of the Environmental Defense Action Fund, has started a $100,000 campaign against President-elect Donald Trump's EPA nominee Scott Pruitt. The campaign will use children's health concerns in ads in Washington, D.C. and six states that have "senators who could swing the confirmation vote." What an original technique! Using children to attack your opponent because you don't hate children, do you? Yeah, well, evidence has shown that Pruitt embraces science. Also, the EPA has done a stellar job with environment disasters, haven't they?

Republicans gathered on Capitol Hill with Vice President-elect Mike Pence to discuss Obacamare where he announced that President-elect Donald Trump plans to use executive action to repeal the law:
“It will be an orderly transition to something better ... using executive authority to ensure it’s an orderly transition," Pence told reporters. "We’re working now on a series of executive orders that will enable that orderly transition to take place even as Congress appropriately debates alternatives to and replacements for ObamaCare.”

Until recently, it wasn't known which of the living presidents would attend Trump's inauguration. Jimmy Carter was quick to accept the invitation but George W. Bush had reasons to skip the event due to the many clashes between Trump and Jeb Bush. Bill Clinton had an even more obvious reason to be busy that day. It turns out everyone is going, even Hillary. New York Magazine reports:
Bill and Hillary Clinton Will Attend the Trump Inauguration Bill and Hillary Clinton have decided to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, according to two sources with knowledge of their plans. The Clintons will join former Presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, who have also announced that they will attend. George and Laura Bush said today that they would be present “to witness the peaceful transfer of power.”

Sean Spicer, who will serve as Donald Trump's White House press secretary, has been invited to the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics by former Obama adviser David Axelrod. Some students are objecting to the appearance for trite and obvious reasons. The Chicago Maroon reported:
Incoming Trump Press Secretary Visit to IOP Sparks Controversy The Institute of Politics (IOP) announced Thursday it is hosting president elect Donald Trump’s choice for press secretary, Sean Spicer, for a discussion with IOP Director David Axelrod first week of winter quarter. The announcement drew criticism from some students who say they may protest the IOP’s perceived normalization of hostility toward the press by the incoming president.

The House Republicans sure do know how to get the ball rolling on a new session. They kept control, but still can't seem to operate properly! Someone seriously needs to provide a proper communications course for all Republicans in D.C. In one of their first moves, the House Republicans caused a fuss over the weekend after Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) proposed changes to an independent watchdog group, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). According to the media, House Republicans gutted their own independent watchdog group and that Republicans wanted more power. In other words, mass hysteria! A close look at the amendment, which I notice missing from many articles, shows that Goodlatte actually attempted to strengthen the OCE by pushing it farther from the House, thus making it even more independent, and making sure the board does not violate the rights of those accused. But if the Republicans had rolled out the idea a tad better, they may have avoided the backlash and not been forced to retreat with their tails between their legs.

In a New Year's announcement, North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un stated that his nation was on the verge of launching its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) - a missile capable of both carrying a nuclear warhead and reaching the United States. This threat could President-elect Donald Trump's first major foreign policy challenge, coming as it does after nuclear bomb tests of varying success by the North Koreans.

Reports have indicated that the marching band from Talladega College, Alabama's oldest historically black college, will march at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. Of course, people have gone irate over the news, even though the school has not confirmed its participation:
"We were a bit horrified to hear of the invitation," said Shirley Ferrill of Fairfield, Alabama, a member of Talladega's Class of 1974. "I don't want my alma mater to give the appearance of supporting him," Ferrill said of Trump on Monday. "Ignore, decline or whatever, but please don't send our band out in our name to do that."

I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Hillary. Neither did I vote for the toker nor the litigious left fielder. Not having a horse in the race was incredibly liberating for this former campaign lackey. The single most enjoyable part of Trump's election (thus far) has been the collective lefty meltdown; a glorious sight to behold. First, there were the attempts to overturn the results of the election by way of that whole embarrassing Electoral College coup that never materialized. When the coup fell flat, the entirety of the Democrats and establishment media woke up one Monday and miraculously, simultaneously decided that despite zero evidence, the Russians had "hacked the election" -- whatever that means. Sure they probably hacked into the DNC's emails, but that was old news. Now, and this is probably my favorite, there's talk of impeaching Trump before he's been sworn in.

On Thursday, President Barack Obama passed sanction against Russia for allegedly interfering with our presidential election. This includes expelling 35 diplomats and closing down two compounds. Two weeks ago, Politifact ran an article to call President-elect Donald Trump a liar about his doubts on Russia and accusing Obama of not acting against Russia until after Clinton lost. On Twitter, @neontaster pointed out evidence that contradicts Politifact's "facts." It turns out, the administration has known for months about Russian involvement and did absolutely nothing because they thought Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump. No concerns about our national security because they thought their candidate would win.

Last week I was invited by an editor of The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog to contribute an article focusing on the issues surrounding president-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The article, “Trump’s plan to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem could help the peace process”, was published yesterday:

Oh, Russia. President Vladimir Putin remains the biggest troll in the world. Of course the Kremlin promised retaliation against America after President Barack Obama slammed them with new sanctions for allegedly trying to interfere with our presidential election. The sanctions included expelling 35 diplomats and their families and closing down two Russian compounds. Putin claimed he would do the same, but backed off and decided to take a road to help renew American-Russian relations. (Yeah right!)

To most people, other than those on the far left, George Soros is the original Dr. Evil, so it's kind of funny to hear him accuse Donald "America First" Trump of being a dictator in waiting. Yet that's just what he did this week in an op-ed at Project Syndicate:
Open Society Needs Defending Well before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, I sent a holiday greeting to my friends that read: “These times are not business as usual. Wishing you the best in a troubled world.” Now I feel the need to share this message with the rest of the world. But before I do, I must tell you who I am and what I stand for.

President Barack Obama has placed more sanctions against Russia and expelled intelligence operatives from America for allegedly interfering with our 2016 election. The sanctions include expelling 35 Russian intelligence officers and closing two Russian compounds. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security found some information that Russians may have phished into the Democratic National Committee over the summer. (Before I go on, I need to correct the media. NO ONE hacked the election. Saying Russia hacked the election implies Russians invaded our voting booths and physically changed votes. That did NOT happen.)

The Trump rooster has arrived to help ring in Chinese New Year. The city of Taiyuan is hoping the statue will bring tourists in by the bus loads. According to People's Daily China:
A giant rooster figure, sporting a Donald Trump hairstyle, has popped up outside a shopping mall in downtown Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. The designer said the sculpture - heralding the upcoming Chinese Year of the Rooster - was inspired by the American president-elect, by both his iconic hairstyle and gestures.

Okay, now we've heard everything:
Sex therapist Kimberly Resnick Anderson claims Trump winning the presidency has led to a widespread loss of libido in the bedroom among her clients. Dubbing it 'The Trump Bedroom Backlash' Resnick Anderson says she has seen it time and again in her office... The certified sex expert told 'Since Trump won a common complaint in my office is that women get more easily annoyed when their husbands or boyfriends initiate sex.