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Oh boy. I admit my jaw dropped when I saw that Fox News host Sean Hannity is the third client of Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's attorney, Social media erupted and Twitter-lawyers came out in full force to spin the narrative to their liking. After all, Cohen appeared on Hannity's show a few times like in the featured image. Here are some of the best ones.

President Donald Trump has pardoned former Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby, who received a conviction of lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice in 2007.

An editorial in The New York Times on Monday blasted President Donald Trump for not having a plan for Syria. I don't know if Trump does or doesn't have a plan for Syria. What I do know is that Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama did have a plan for Syria - and it is the reason we keep seeing carnage there. What's worse, The New York Times enthusiastically supported Obama's plans affecting Syria.

What do these three things have in common: the recent Biden vs. Trump war of threatening words, the Dozens, and Inuit song duels? They're all ways that people threaten each other in an almost-comical way, in which the real competition is about who is being the wittiest and boldest in speech. They are all substitutes for an actual physical fight and are also popular spectator sports. That's the way I see this:

President Trump has a fantastic sense of humor, the left?  Not so much.  The humorless left is in full meltdown mode after last night's Gridiron dinner at which Trump made some hilarious remarks about the various idiocies of the media and Democrats during his first full year in office. Ignoring many of the self-deprecating remarks about his administration, they seem particularly hysterical about Trump's joke that Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) should take an IQ test.

Wednesday, Trump met with a bipartisan group of legislators to discuss yet-to-be-drafted legislation meant to address the ongoing scourge of school shootings. Hoping to hash out which policies and current legislation could be lumped into one, comprehensive, passable bill, discussion ensued, some in front of the media. Several sound-bites from the meeting have been plucked out as though they're indicative of some greater scheme.

Obama may have wanted to be a transformative President, but Donald J. Trump appears well on his way to owning this title. His administration is now proposing a food delivery program that would replace about half of food stamp benefits for households who qualify for the boxes. The program is referred to as "USDA America's Harvest Box".

Last Jan. 20th, I celebrated the inauguration of President Donald Trump by binge-watching all the coverage while drinking champagne labeled "Liberal Tears". Courtesy of my friend and fellow Egyptophile, Terry Lee Ebert Mendozza, I was able to drink more champagne to commemorate the first anniversary of his administration with many of President Trump's initial campaign supporters during the Red, White, and Blue Celebration at Mar-a-Lago hosted by Trumpettes USA.

The latest furor is over certain remarks that Trump is alleged to have uttered during a meeting about immigration with Dick Durbin, Lindsay Graham, and "other government officials." His alleged remarks (some of which he has disputed) were criticized variously for both form and content: that the words were vulgar, and that they were bigoted. The most salient thing on which accounts seem to agree is that Trump referred to some countries—perhaps in Africa, perhaps also Haiti—as "shitholes" or "shithole countries." Let's go with that, anyway, as a good possibility.

What can you say about soon-to-be-former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie?  At one time, it seemed his star was rising, that he was destined for the White House.  That is the historical moment to which Christie apparently clings. Christie, who leaves office—and almost certainly any political future—on January 16th, believes that if President Trump had not run in 2016, he'd be president today.

The Bannon v. Trump v. Bannon drama just got a bit more interesting. Axios is reporting that Bannon has clarified the Woolff book controversy and has released a statement to Axios regarding his regrets about not responding to the "inaccurate reporting" of his quoted remarks. From Axios:
Battered by the backlash from Michael Wolff's book, Steve Bannon is trying to make amends with the Trump family, providing a statement to Axios that expresses "regret" to President Trump and praises his son, Donald Trump Jr.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), also a member of the committee, have asked the Department of Justice to investigate Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump. The senators told the DOJ that they believe Steele made false statements to the FBI concerning his talks with news outlets about the dossier.