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Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to strengthen diplomatic and economic ties with Israel, the White House announced in a statement on Friday. Both countries, part of the former Yugoslavia, will relocate their embassies to Jerusalem, news reports said. The move will make Kosovo the first Muslim-majority country to open a diplomatic mission in the Holy City, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Friday. 

The United Arab Emirates has hit back at Tehran over threats made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) following a peace agreement reached by the country with Israel.

China is running a massive surveillance network in Africa, reveals a new report published by the Heritage Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. The intelligence gathering operation was most likely run through State-owned Chinese companies involved in building critical government infrastructure. These firms have built or renovated around 186 top government buildings and 14 sensitive governmental telecommunication networks across the African continent, which include a number of presidential palaces, parliaments, and military installations.

Hundreds of thousands of Indians came out to welcome U.S. President Donald Trump and First lady Melania Trump in the northwestern city of Ahmadabad as he began a two-day tour of the country. This is his first official visit to the Asian country. Crowds cheered President Trump as he rode in the armored presidential limousine, "The Beast," along the 22-km route from the airport to the Motera stadium, venue for the "Namaste Trump" rally.