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Democrats Tag

When the 115th session of the US Congress finishes, I would be hard-pressed to pick the most insane stunt organized by our illustrious representatives. I'm tempted to pick Impeachment Theater as the most senseless move. But I pick the decision to put a teenaged foreigner before Congress as an expert on climate science, setting policy that would dramatically impact our economy and national safety.

Over the weekend, The New York Times dropped a piece on new allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Some of the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls immediately called for Kavanaugh's impeachment along with some Democrats in Congress. They all face pushback from Republicans, but quite a few senior Democrats in both chambers.

The House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted this morning on "the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry" to impeach President Donald Trump. While it does not mean an inquiry has officially started, it means the Democrats have finally defined the inquiry. Chairman Jerry Nadler has not given up on this subject despite pushback from Democrats in the House from moderate districts.

In politics as in all things, glory can be fleeting. After the first Democratic debate in late June, the MSM and liberal political commentators treated Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) like the invincible presidential candidate. Her polling numbers rose significantly after she broadsided frontrunner Joe Biden in the opening round. She also saw a nice boost in fundraising. But the last two months have seen the Harris campaign endure an embarrassing freefall. Her polling numbers have tanked, she's lost a significant amount of support from key Democratic voting blocs, and was on the receiving end of a brutal smackdown from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI) at the second debate over her troubling criminal justice record.

After the Supreme Court struck down state bans on gay marriage, liberal LGBTQ groups and allies in the Democratic party aggressively pushed for transgender rights under the guise of "equality for all." The progress they've made so far has proven predictably disastrous for women's rights in America. Transgender women athletes born male are more frequently being allowed to compete in women's sports, giving them an unfair advantage.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) is facing calls for her resignation following the unearthing of a college skit from 52 years ago. Back in 1967, Ivey performed in a skit called "cigar butts" in which she wore blackface. This will be the first test of "Democrat privilege" whereby Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and AG Mark Herring weathered photos of blackface surfacing from the 1980s.  Is it only Democrats who are "privileged" enough to survived decades-old indiscretions?  Or did Democrats lose a valuable piece of political weaponry in letting Northam slide?