Democratic Socialism | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Newly-elected Denver city councilwoman Candi CdeBaca (D-CO) is making waves with her comments about our being in "late phase capitalism" and her strong belief in the "community ownership of land, labor, resources, and distribution of those resources."  She's so fervent in her belief that she goes on to say "I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary."

2020 presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released 10 years of his tax returns right before he participated in a town hall with Fox News. It turns out the self-proclaimed socialist belongs to the 1% his side hates. The returns also show that he donated little to charity despite making a ton of money.

Last week, Twitter locked Luke Thompson's account after he divulged public information of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's boyfriend Riley Roberts. her chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti joined in and next thing you know...trolls galore. Thompson had a legitimate question: Why does Riley have a email address? Since he had time on his hands with his suspension, Thompson did some digging and found the story goes deeper than he thought.

Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled the resolution for her Green New Deal with Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA). The resolution could cost up to $7 trillion. She stated that this deal "calls for a 'national, social, industrial and economic mobilization at a scale not seen since World War II.'" Somehow Ocasio-Cortez managed to fit into this Green New Deal a guaranteed job and health care for everyone. On Twitter, Lee Doren found a quote that proves this Green New Deal will hit the poor people the most.

Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus recently commented on Neil Cavuto's FOX News show on the rise of socialism, especially the new Ocasio-Cortez wing of Congress, and the role higher education has played in the phenomenon. Marcus is right to recognize higher education as a key player. Left wing concepts of social justice have quickly moved from the halls of academia to Washington, DC. Democrats in Congress increasingly sound no different than campus activists.

Democrats are setting up the table with a new narrative for 2019 and 2020. It is increasingly apparent that they're planning a hard push on climate change. It's all about the "Green New Deal" being advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The only thing Bernie Sanders likes more than vilifying 'millionaires and billionaires' is talking about the imminent danger of climate change. He has frequently lambasted President Trump and Republicans for failing to take the issue seriously. But now we learn that like many people on the left, Bernie has a massive carbon footprint, especially when it comes to air travel.