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Democratic Socialism Tag

Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline, attended an event at the White House on Friday. He based his remarks about the ongoing protests in the United States on his own experience as someone who escaped Castro's Cuba. His heartfelt words were very pro-America and pro-Trump, which is probably why this has been largely ignored by the media.

Many Democrats are rightly concerned that if Bernie Sanders gets their party's nomination, they could lose to President Trump. The worry doesn't end there, however. There is a growing fear that a Bernie candidacy could also cost them the House of Representatives.

An important narrative in Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign is that she lost a teaching job early in her career because she was pregnant. Yet that narrative has been largely-debunked by Warren's own words in a 2007 interview, and through records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon and others.

The Democratic Socialists of America provide considerable energy for Democrat candidates. The label Democratic Socialist is embraced by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others. The DSA just held its annual conference, and it was pretty much what you would expect when 1000 socialists got together -- it devolved at times into self-parody.