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It appears Turkey will do anything to get its hands on Oklahoma City Thunder's Enes Kanter, an outspoken critic of Dictator President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In May, Turkey canceled Kanter's passport when he landed in Romania, but luckily he made it back to the states. Then the country issued an arrest warrant for Kanter, which stated he belongs to a "terror group" that supports preacher Fetullah Gulen. You know, the preacher that Erdogan blames for everything. Now Turkey has now taken aim at Kanter's family even though the family publicly disowned Kanter last summer.

"I'm not afraid of Donald Trump. He's a bully. I've dealt with old, white guys trying to keep me down my whole life, my whole career," began Griffith, during her pity party Friday afternoon. Griffith was fired from CNN after she posed with a bloody, decapitated likeness of President Trump's head.

We've been reporting on the horrific results of decades of progressive higher education, and while it's one thing to connect the dots and understand that radicals in academia are influencing college students, it's quite another to see how the sausage is made.  The National Association of Scholars (NAS) has released a study that concludes that college common reading lists are designed to make activists, and it's quite fascinating to see the curtain pulled back. The NAS study demonstrates that the nation's common readings list is "designed to indoctrinate students with progressive propaganda."  The assigned books all share common traits:  they are non-academic, adhere to a single political agenda (progressive), are parochial, homogenous, and mediocre.

If there's a better way to learn the all important lesson about the evils of local government, I can't think of it. Teenagers in the small town of Gardendale, Alabama trying to earn a little extra cash through good old fashioned sweat equity have been hit with a nasty surprise. City officials along with other lawn care services have threatened these kiddos for working without a business license.

Well, Lebanon has officially banned the movie Wonder Woman after a group called Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel (CBSI) urged the government to do so since Israeli-born Gal Gadot stars as the lead. From USA Today:
While no official reason was given for the ban, the Associated Press reports that the move follows a campaign in the country against Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot, who served two years in the Israeli army. Lebanon is officially at war with Israel. The ban is in accordance with a decades-old law that boycotts Israeli products and bars Lebanese citizens from traveling to Israel or having contacts with Israelis.

*UPDATE* CNN has cut ties with Kathy Griffin. From USA Today:
"CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year's Eve program," CNN spokesman Shimrit Sheetrit confirmed to USA TODAY in a statement Wednesday.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced on CNN this morning that he will still participate in an event with Kathy Griffin, even after she posed with the bloody head of President Donald Trump. From CNN:
Franken cited Griffin's apology in explaining his decision. "Kathy's a friend and she's a terrific comedian, but this had no business being in our public discourse," Franken said. "And I talked to her. She has apologized -- a real, fulsome apology. She's actually begged for forgiveness, and I believe in forgiveness."

If, say, Greg Gutfield had held up a realistic-looking severed head of the previous president, do you think Morning Joe would have refused to cover the story? But on today's Morning Joe, when a panelist made reference to "the Kathy Griffin news," Mika Brzezinski put her foot down:

"We're not talking about it. I'm sorry, it's too gross. It's just not worth doing."

No one knows hypocrisy more than the left. The latest example appeared in a photoshoot with "comedian" Kathy Griffin by photographer Tyler Shields, which has her holding the bloody severed head of President Donald Trump. According to TMZ, Griffin told Shields that the two of them may have "to move to Mexico once the pics got released, for fear they'd be thrown in prison."

Now former Denver Post sportswriter Terry Frei faced massive criticism after he tweeted he felt "very uncomfortable with a Japanese driver winning the Indianapolis 500 during Memorial Day weekend."  Takumo Sato became the first Japanese winner of the famous car race. The social media pile on led him to apologize and delete his tweet. Later Monday, The Denver Post released a statement that condemned Frei's views and announced he no longer worked at the publication.

Movie Tavern Alamo Drafthouse stepped into a huge pile of Internet late last week when it's NYC venue decided to hold a woman's only viewing of upcoming DC Comic flick, Wonder Woman. The proceeds of the screening were to benefit Planned Parenthood. It should be noted that Alamo Drafthouse hails from Austin, Texas, which is basically Portland, Texas, but without the rain and way too much cedar to be enjoyable.

The division in our country runs beyond politics and into mundane life chores like returning a shopping buggy to the store-provided receptacle. There are plenty reasons to leave a shopping cart in place once it's been emptied -- the weather's bad, small children, in a hurry, etc. but ardent cart returners find all such reasons to be less rational and more akin to excuses. So why doesn't everyone return their carts to the receptacle? And why is it largely socially acceptable to leave a cart in the middle of the parking lot?

The Marshall Plan, aka the European Recovery Program, was devised as a means of rebuilding a decimated Europe after World War II. The radical left apparently recognizes, if not accepts ownership of, the decimation their policies have wreaked on America and its people because they are now proposing a "Marshall Plan for America" designed to "rebuild" the America they've all-but-destroyed. John Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP) is the leader of this plan, signalling that the "centrist" Hillary Clinton arm of the Democratic Party has embraced the socialist-Democrat wing headed up by Bernie Sanders.

CAP is suddenly concerned with the white American working and middle classes "left behind" by the regressive left's identity politics, income redistribution efforts, and SJW fervor.  Their solution to the "forgotten man"?  More central planning, slightly muted but still prevalent identity politics, and of course and always, more income redistribution.

So this fiasco started last summer when OKC Thunder star Enes Kanter voiced his support for Fetullah Gulen, the preacher that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blames for everything. Kanter's family, who resides in Turkey, publicly disowned him. Then last weekend Romania didn't allow Kanter to enter the country because Turkey canceled his passport. Luckily, the country didn't deport Kanter and he made it safely back to the states. But Turkey will not stop. Now officials have issued an arrest warrant for Kanter for allegedly belonging to the "terrorist group" Gulenist Terror Group (FETO).