Critical Race Theory Erases Jewish Students
"You wonder whether it’s a microaggression to deny being antisemitic."...
"You wonder whether it’s a microaggression to deny being antisemitic."...
"This is a part of history that the critical race theorists appear unwilling to teach."...
My interview on The Daily Signal Podcast with host Doug Blair about our databases: "It’s truly frightening what’s happening in the medical community."...
Anti-racism mathematics, you guys....
The other seven new standards have "subsections focused on racism, cultural differences or bias."...
“The Community has spoken & it is crystal clear - they are demanding a reset of the School Board."...
"Remember that public school is the government which cannot compel speech, invade privacy, violate your religion, or discriminate."...
"So when extremists start attacking our schools, that's not who we are. People who only want to fight to score political points should take that somewhere else."...
Sky News UK: "The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an 'effective pause' on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed."...
"political science, not medical science"...
It is an emotionally based claim, void of the facts, aimed at creating further division....
"Our universities need to focus on building a strong economy and workforce — not force-feeding liberal ideology to Wisconsin students"...
California school district prepares to spend millions promoting race hatred in the guise of “ethnic studies”...
My interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, where we talked about numerous topics covered at Legal Insurrection, including CRT in medicine, the Gibson's Bakery case, the attacks on Supreme Court Justices, and what it's like to be an outspoken conservative on...
My speech at the ALEC annual conference: “we are at an inflection point right now to move from publicity, to move from alerting people, who mostly are now aware of the problem, to actually addressing the infrastructure which supports” the racialization of education....
"Defense Department officials have been sounding the alarm for months: the military is going to miss its enlisted recruiting goals this year, and the Army may be in the worst spot of any of the services." - Army Times...
An analysis by our shows: "The good news is that CRT and related ideologies have not yet captured the military service academies ...
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