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A day after she interviewed Nick Sandmann, NBC's Savannah Guthrie interviewed Nathan Phillips. Many considered the interview "too soft" compared to the one with Sandmann. They may have a point as Guthrie allowed Phillips to continue to play victim despite evidence coming out that he confronted the Covington Catholic students at the Lincoln Memorial.

While the airwaves and internet have been flooded with discussion of the interaction in D.C. between Covington Catholic High School students and an activist who is Native American, there has been very little focus on what I consider a critical fact. The activist approached and waded into the crowd of students accompanied by numerous supporters carrying video cameras.

Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported on Tuesday that Phillips led a rally in an attempt to disrupt Mass at DC's Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception last Saturday. It happened a day after Phillips confronted students from Covington Catholic High School that launched a viral video, which led to a bunch of problems.

The recent interaction in DC between high school students (one in particular) and an older activist who is Native American reminded me of a warning I once received from a colleague as to how I needed to prepare myself if I ever was in a hostile crowd or confronted. A classic leftist/occupy activist tactic, I was warned, was to confront a target and immediately start screaming that the target was being aggressive even though that was not true.

Remember that viral video of a kid supposedly taunting a Native American Vietnam vet? Yeah, it didn't take long for people to realize there was more to the story. Well, since the media and everyone else went on a rampage against him, the student identified himself as Nick Sandmann, a junior from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. He attended the March for Life rally with other students. Sandmann explained his side of the story as those in Hollywood and the media quietly delete their nasty and hateful tweets aimed at the high school kid.

The internet blew up over a (as it turns out) heavily-edited clip of white male Catholic March for Life high schoolers apparently taunting, mocking, and otherwise behaving badly toward a Native American elder.  Even many on the right condemned the MAGA hat-wearing boys for their perceived vile behavior. The problem?  We didn't get the whole story, and many people, including those on the left, are now expressing their regret at jumping too readily to condemn these boys.  As it turns out and in the true spirit of "unexpectedly," there is much more to this story than we were first treated to in the initial reports.

Emails of four top National Republican Congressional Committee aides were hacked, according to a Politico report published Tuesday. For several months, the NRCC email accounts of these four top aides was surveilled. The data breach was discovered by an NRCC vendor in April who immediately alerted the cybersecurity team. The FBI was also informed of the hack, reports Politico.

Back in January, two men and two women in Chicago were arrested after they used Facebook to broadcast images of themselves torturing a mentally disabled man. The defendants were black and their victim was white. The case was classified as a hate crime.

Remember Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General. He down-played and lied about his and Obama's Fast and Furious fiasco, refused to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation, pursued prosecution of journalists and labeled one a "c0-conspirator," used his taxpayer-financed "slush fund" to funnel money to Obama allies until it was dismantled by AG Jeff Sessions.  Holder also holds the dubious distinction of being the first sitting cabinet member to be held in (both criminal and civil) contempt of Congress.

The horrific series of crimes against a mentally disabled teenager and streamed live on Facebook has shocked and horrified many (but not all, apparently).   The four attackers who tortured and abused the teen appeared in court and were denied bail. The Chicago Tribune reports:
One day after a chilling live Facebook video made headlines, four suspects appeared in a packed Cook County courtroom Friday to face hate crime charges alleging they beat and tortured a mentally disabled teen in an attack that once again put the city's ugly violence problem on display.

Last night we reported the breaking story of a horrific live-streamed video of four black teens in Chicago torturing a white special needs youth while taunting him, Black Chicago teens torture special-needs boy, yell “F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!” Today more horrible details were revealed by police, including the existence of a second video showing the perps forcing the victim to drink from the toilet. CBS Chicago reports:
A day after Chicago police said they were questioning four people about a “sickening” video showing the torture of a mentally disabled teen, a second video has surfaced showing the suspects forcing the young man to drink out of a toilet....

California has a massive housing crisis, pension troubles, and an escalating crime rates. So, what do the state's leaders decide to do? Hire one of the most controversial figures in the Obama Administration to engage in legal battles against the Trump Administration.
Bracing for an adversarial relationship with President-elect Donald Trump , the California Legislature has selected former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. to serve as outside counsel to advise the state’s legal strategy against the incoming administration. The unusual arrangement will give Holder, leading a team of attorneys from the firm Covington & Burling, a broad portfolio covering potential conflicts between California and the federal government. Former Los Angeles Rep. Howard Berman, a Democrat who is now a senior advisor to the firm, will also be part of the effort.

While Milwaukee burned during race-based violence, thousands in Louisiana were forced to evacuate in the wake of historic rains that led to flooding.
More than 7,000 people have been rescued from their homes after massive floods swept across the state, and officials warned Sunday that even though the rain had subsided, dangers loomed. "It's not over," said Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on Sunday. "The water's going to rise in many areas. It's no time to let the guard down." ... Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards — who declared a state of emergency —called the floods "unprecedented" and "historic."