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College Insurrection Tag

As longtime readers know, we're not big fans of the White Privilege verbiage, or the White Privilege consultant and pontificating class: In an otherwise good article about the Oberlin racism hoax, Conor Friedersdorf uses the term "white privilege" to describe the actions of the perpetrators:
White kids spreading the n-word and Nazi flags around campus for kicks, without giving a damn how many minorities they scare or upset, does seem like a great example of white privilege!
The editors or Friedersdorf chose to highlight and repeat that sentence as an insert mid-article:

Friedersdorf White Privilege

The problem is that the analysis and the entire post left something out, these were white liberal kids trying to make a liberal talking point come to life in a performance-art style endeavor: Those white liberal college students had a privilege above and beyond mere ordinary whites. That extra-special privilege was to have the mainstream media largely ignore that the performance-art inspired racial narrative which covered the news cycle in March 2013 was a hoax.  Only the conservative media seems to care. I have written to just about everyone I could find at an MSM or left-wing website who ran with the Oberlin racism narrative back in March, and almost no one has updated their stories. I emailed reporters and/or editors at The NY Times, The Boston Globe, The Cleveland Plain Dealer,, Huffington Post, and CNN, among others. Here's a typical email, which I sent to
You covered the racial incidents at Oberlin last March. It turned out to be a hoax, The Great Oberlin College Racism Hoax of 2013. Will you update?
Here's another one, sent to the "scoop" line at HuffPo:
Huffington Post ran numerous stories in various sections about racial incidents on Oberlin College's campus in March 2013. It turns out those were hoaxes perpetrated by progressive pro-Obama activists in order to get a reaction, Will you report the hoax and correct prior stories?
And The NY Times:
You covered this story last March, Photos of Oberlin College Students Rallying Against Hate Incidents. Turns out it was a hoax. Thought you'd want to know, since NYT may want to follow up now that the story has changed.
I also sent tweets to reporters who covered the story but for whom I didn't have email addresses:

The spate of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and homophobic posters and graffiti that plagued the Oberlin College campus in February 2013 was definitively exposed as a hoax led by a pro-Obama liberal anti-racist student activist seeking to get a reaction from the community. The post by Chuck Ross of The Daily...

College Insurrection is One Year Old Check it out, along with Our 10 Favorite “Freshman Year” Posts at College Insurrection. ...

A massive racism hoax took place at Oberlin College in February 2013 in which two students made seemingly racist, anti-Semitic and other such posters, graffiti and emails for the purpose of getting a reaction on campus, not because they believed the hostile messages.  At least one of the...

First they came for the "Israel Lobby," but I didn't speak out, because I didn't want to be called an ISLAMOPHOBE! George Mason U. Student: “Jews had their golden age under Muslim rule” Then they came for Florida Atlantic University, but I didn't speak out, because it already tops the...

Leslie Eastman, who writes for Legal Insurrection and has her own blog, Temple of Mut, and Aleister from American Glob, both help run College Insurrection, including gathering the stories we aggregate there. In preparing this week's College Insurrection "Week" post, I realized once again the great job Leslie and Aleister do at finding interesting stories.  My thanks to them for their efforts. Never give up: Cause or effect? Bryan went to Auburn: Extremism in the defense of free speech is no vice: I think Berkeley Profs are even greater threats: He gropes, therefore he is:

That would be me. T-shirt idea:  "We engaged in institutional racism to fight white privilege, and all we got was more white privilege": Elite colleges fail to enroll minority students T-shirt idea: "We threw money at the U.S. News rankings, and all we got were these lousy retention...

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Georgetown student advocates death for Republicans over student loan rates And where have you been my darling young one? Florida transgender student barred from women’s room after anonymous complaint UNC-Chapel Hill Students Jump To Defend Mixed-Sex Dorm Rooms and Bathrooms I've stumbled...

The Great Unpaid: The Joke’s on NBC: SNL interns join class action suit seeking unpaid wages American U. Student: Unpaid internships exacerbate inequality U. of Arizona Student: Paid internships should be the rule, not the exception (from the Legal Insurrection archives) Elizabeth Warren pays interns $0 per hour Are about...

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Shut yo mouth: Texas high school cuts valedictorian’s mic for talking about the US Constitution Australian University Censors Speech Deemed Offensive to Islam Pro-Palestinian groups on campus aren’t big fans of free speech And dress the way we tell you: New Hampshire senior not allowed to wear Marine uniform at...

Everything is harassment: The federal government has overreached on campus sexual harassment rules Literature Prof lampoons new federal government sexual harassment policy Such as: Cambridge Univ. law students stunned by graphic sexual questions on exam Co-eds filmed naked in shower in co-ed dorm at Middle Tenn. State NYU prof says fat...

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Pushing back against the narratives: CAMERA launches new website for pro-Israel college students “Affirmative Action Baby” … Or Survivor? Prager U. Video – The Separation of Church and State FIRE works overtime for targeted Syracuse U. students College Fix Editor: Porn is a weapon in the real campus ‘war on women’ Thomas...

This week college campuses looked relatively sane compared to Washington, D.C. I emphasize "relatively." Occupy brings “two chickens, three goats and a rabbit” as part of takeover of U. California farm Swarthmore’s descent into madness Louisiana State Hosts “Lavender Graduation” For Homosexual Grads Six Degrees of Separation: Stanford University – Where...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds Envelope with white powder...