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College Insurrection Tag

A conservative student group at the University of Lincoln in the UK criticized their students' union over a lack of free speech over criticism of an online magazine. In response, the students' union shut down the group's social media accounts, thus proving their point. A student paper called The Linc reported:
Conservative Society suspended from Twitter by SU after criticising their record on freedom of speech The University of Lincoln Conservative Society has been forced to hand over control of their twitter account to the Students’ Union. It follows a tweet sharing a report which said the University of Lincoln had a bad record on freedom of speech.

Two violent attacks campus speakers have gained widespread media attention in recent months -- the attack on Milo Yiannopoulos' appearance at UC-Berkeley, and Charles Murray at Middlebury. Less violent, but still disruptive, attempts were made to shut down Rick Santorum and Michael Johns at Cornell, Christina Hoff Sommers at Oberlin, Georgetown and elsewhere. and other conservative speakers. Finally, there is widespread condemnation even from the left, particularly after Middlebury.

This is the direction things are headed in, folks. The left thinks it's OK to punch a Nazi but they also think anyone they disagree with is a Nazi. It's inevitable that someone's going to get hurt. At Middlebury College this week no one got punched, but a mob of left wing protesters got so out of control that a professor ended up in the hospital. Harry Zieve Cohen reports at The American Interest:
College Protestors Send Professor to the ER On Thursday, hundreds of students at Middlebury College shouted down political scientist Charles Murray, forcing him to deliver his remarks in a private room via a live web stream.