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College Insurrection Tag

In March of this year, the sociologist and writer Charles Murray visited Middlebury College to deliver a lecture. Before he could even begin, the event was set upon by a mob of students who shut it down and ultimately sent a professor to the emergency room. Students who participated in the mob received no real punishment but the incident drew national attention to the issue of free speech on college campuses. Last night, Murray made his first televised appearance since then on Tucker Carlson's show. He described the scene at Middlebury as the opposite of what higher education should be.

Claims of anti-Semitism are being made over actions yesterday by organizers of a "Dyke March" in Chicago to remove certain Jewish participants from the event because they carried a Jewish LGBT Pride Flag that had a Star of David in the Middle of a rainbow flag. The flag was alleged to be "triggering" to "pro-Palestinian" participants. I'll discuss the specifics below. Was it anti-Semitism? Objectively, yes.