Chris Matthews | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Chris Matthews, long-time "Hardball" host is done at MSNBC. Without any warning, Matthews announced his departure from the network Monday.

Chris Matthews on MSNBC is not taking Bernie's victory in the Nevada caucuses well. It signals to him that Bernie is unstoppable in the Democrat primaries. Such a result would be the end of the Democrat Party as a viable force, a result so serious that he compared it to the fall of France in 1940 to Germany.

Q. Is there anything—anything!—about which the MSM won't criticize about the Trump administration? A. No, judging by the mind-bogglingly minuscule, absurd and hypocritical thing that Chris Matthews has found to carp about. On his Hardball show of May 30th, Matthews got bent out of shape over the fact that Jared Kushner . . . might have a car and driver take him to work at the White House. After video rolled of Kushner emerging from what is presumably his DC home and getting into an SUV with someone at the wheel, a vexed Matthews said:

One of the things about the 2016 presidential election that most shocked the political elite and Democrats was the failure of the "blue wall."  "What happened?", they wondered.  How is it possible that people in states that Hillary didn't bother even to fly over deserted her?  How could decades of being told that they—as mostly white, mostly Christian, mostly middle class Americans—represented all that was wrong with America possibly have such a devastating effect on Democrats? On Meet the Press, MSNBC's Chris Matthews states that the Democrats have simply moved too far left on cultural issues, specifically on abortion.

On this evening's Hardball, Matthews said "New polls this week show the president with ocean-bottom job approval. That said, his supporters stick like a bathtub ring. Among those who voted for him, says the Washington Post, 96% said they have no regrets about supporting him." The non-stop attacks from Dems and the MSM haven't shaken support for President Trump among those who voted for him. A frustrated Matthews let his vexation show by comparing Trump supporters to that stubborn ring around the bathtub.

Chris Matthews has invited liberals at the IRS to leak the audit status of President Trump's tax return. On this evening's Hardball, Matthews said: "we know there's no audit [of Trump.] Can't the IRS just make a statement, he's not under audit? Just make the announcement. By the way, that would be a good leak. Somebody at the IRS just leaking. I thought they were all liberals over there. Why doesn't somebody just leak it?" Pursuant to 26 US Code Sec. 7213, disclosing an individual's return information is "a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both."

On this evening's Hardball, Chris Matthews repeatedly analogized the Trump family to the Tsarist Romanov family that ruled Russia. Matthews ominously concluded, "we know what happened to the Romanovs." Of course, "what happened to the Romanovs" is that the Tsar and his family were killed by Bolshevik troops in 1918, during the Russian revolution. Nice analogy, Chris.

Wait a second: was that Sean Hannity on Fox News? Nope, it was Chris Matthews on MSNBC last night, expressing surprising skepticism over the 9th Circuit's decision to uphold the stay of President Trump's executive order on immigration.Matthews made a multi-pronged attack on the ruling.

On MSNBC this evening, Chris Matthews cautioned Democratic Senators that if they vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, they will have to answer for it for the rest of their political career. His reasoning was a supremely political one: that at age 49, Gorsuch is likely to be on the Court for 30 years. And that any Dem voting to confirm him would have to answer, over all those years, for his decisions on controversial issues such as abortion and gun rights: "it will be on you," warned Matthews.

Chris Matthews gave generally respectful treatment to pro-life activist Abby Johnson, who appeared on last night's Hardball in the context of discussing the March for Life. But Matthews challenged Johnson on the position—generally adopted by the pro-life movement—that the only person who should be punished is the doctor performing the abortion, and not the woman who chose to have one. Said Matthews: "If abortion's a murder and the person who goes to an abortion clinic is given no sanctions, no punishment whatever, there's something that doesn't square there . . . if you believe it's murder, you go after the person who went to the clinic to have the abortion. Or else you treat her like a child, a vulnerable person who's not really a grownup . . . Going after the doctor is a cute way of avoiding the question. If it's murder, act on it. If it's not, stop saying it."

From the man who brought us "fake but accurate" . . . Dan Rather is possibly the living person least entitled to pontificate about the importance of truth in journalism and politics. So naturally, Chris Matthews invited him on this evening's Hardball to do just that. Hat tip Colleen B. In criticizing Kellyanne Conway's use of the term "alternative facts" to explain White House spokesman Sean Spicer's comments while addressing the press this past Saturday, Rather said: "facts, and the truth . . . are at the very foundation of our democracy."