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Following the British parliament's rejection of Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, the EU Council President, Donald Tusk, has told the country to stay in the bloc. "If a deal is impossible, and no one wants no deal, then who will finally have the courage to say what the only positive solution is?" the top EU official wrote on Twitter.

This is not Saturday Night Live. This is not The Onion or Babylon Bee. A Dutch animation artist put together a boy band to encourage the United Kingdom to stay in the European Union.  From NME:
“I cannot believe this is the end,” they pine on the song’s opening lines. “I still feel your love inside me. I still sing your words. I make a wish as your star falls.”

Few fruits are as popular in "green" California as the avocado. However, in Great Britain, some restaurants are banning the tasty delicacy from the menu in the name of "sustainability".
The Wild Strawberry Cafe, on Peterley Manor Farm in Buckinghamshire, shared a post on its Instagram page earlier this week explaining why it had decided to ban avocado from its kitchen.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has told the House of Commons that she will defer the vote tomorrow for her Brexit deal after many within her own party wouldn't support her deal due to the backstop. The Guardian reported that "the backstop is a device intended to ensure that there will not be a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, even if no formal deal can be reached on trade and security arrangements."

British Prime Minister Theresa May remains on shaky grounds after two cabinet members resigned a day after she announced that the cabinet backed her proposal on Brexit. She has now lost a total of 12 cabinet members in the last year. From CBS News:
Dominic Raab, the second of May's Brexit secretaries to quit the role in as many years, said the draft agreement reached with Brussels would effectively leave Britain beholden to the rules and regulations of the European Union and even give the EU the power to stop the U.K. from extricating itself down the road. He said he could not "in good conscious support the terms" of the deal he helped to craft.

The UK Supreme Court has ruled in favor of two Christian bakers who refused to bake a cake iced with the slogan "support gay marriage." In a unanimous ruling, the five member Supreme Court bench reversed the previous rulings, upholding a business owners' right to freedom of expression and conscience.

"This court has held that nobody should be forced to have or express a political opinion in which he does not believe,” court president Brenda Hale said.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British opposition Labour Party, said on Wednesday that he will recognize "the state of Palestine" should the party win the next general election. "In order to help make the two-state settlement a reality we will recognize a Palestinian state as soon as we take office," Corbyn told the delegates at the Labour Party’s annual conference. The pledged was greeted by a standing ovation and delegates waving Palestinian flags, British newspapers reported.

Islamist groups in Britain are "weaponizing" Islamophobia to silence legitimate criticism of Radical Islam, the country's counter-extremism tsar warned. The UK-based Muslim extremist groups "and their sympathisers weaponise Islamophobia in an attempt to shut down legitimate debate about Islamic extremism while undermining the general struggle against anti-Muslim hatred," Sara Khan, head of the UK Commission for Countering Extremism, said.

UK authorities have arrested a man on suspicion of terror offenses after a car drove into pedestrians outside of Parliament in Westminster on Tuesday morning. From The London Times:
The silver hatchback careered into a barrier just after 7.30am at what witnesses said looked to be about 40mph, hitting two people. Witnesses described flames and smoke coming from the car. The driver was dragged out of the vehicle by armed police. A black man in jeans and a puffa jacket was seen being held by about a dozen officers as emergency services rushed to the scene and police put a “terrorism act cordon” in place around Parliament Square, extending down Whitehall.

We haven't written much recently about Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain's Labour Party. In 2015, as he was campaigning for Labour leader, we covered his sordid history, Likely British Labour leader’s creepy associations, including Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, Jihadist preachers, BDS and Max Blumenthal, among others.

Despite pressure from Prime Minister Theresa May and the UK Conservative Party, Britain's former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has refused to apologise for his critical remarks about women in burkas, the full-body Islamic veil. The senior Conservative politician stirred a controversy this week after likening burka-clad women to "letter-boxes" and "bank robbers". Johnson "won't be apologizing", reported the BBC citing a source close to the former Foreign Secretary. "We have to call it out. If we fail to speak up for liberal values then we are simply yielding ground to reactionaries and extremists," he reportedly added.

President Donald Trump criticized Europe's open border policy, saying that mass immigration was permanently changing the continent for the worse. The UK is "losing" its culture as a result, he added. "I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way." Trump said in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun. The comments came on the first day of his visit to the UK.

The Sun dropped an interview with President Donald Trump on Thursday night as he met with Prime Minister Theresa May for a black-tie dinner. In it, he criticized May's Brexit strategy, claimed she did not listen to him, and that a trade deal between the two countries could be in danger. May and Trump held a press conference Friday morning. Trump told May that whatever she wants to do with her Brexit plan is okay with America, but just make it possible for the UK to engage in trade with the United States. Trump also called The Sun interview 'fake news' because they left out portions of his comments, all of which the White House has recorded.