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Blogging Tag

I appeared last night on NRA News with Cam Edwards.  Here's the segment:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Sorry my posting had been slow, but it's not like I'm tired or burnt out, because that would be completely unacceptable and would cause mean people to poke fun at me. Let's just say, I'm fed up with the world, no that doesn't sound right, let's...

Who am I to argue with a tireless and indefatigable blog goddess:"Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I've ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing joy...

Okay, blogging is tough.  We get it.  Great Grandma and Grandpa had it easy, with rotary phones and all ("You mean your Great Grandparents had a phone?"). If I hear another blogger complain about blogger burnout, I'm going to scream: I'm taking the evening off from blogging;...

The New York Times had an Op-Ed yesterday complaining about anonymous trolls on blogs who post inflammatory messages to get a reaction:Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its...

In response to my post calling out leftist Jewish bloggers for stoking charges of dual loyalty againt American Jewish supporters of Israel, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters (one of the bloggers mentioned in my post) tweets that I'm just a tribalist:Pathetic.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,...

... slowly I am destroying the economy, one reader at a time:"I’ve been reading this guy’s website for the last hour or so (and not getting any work done). It's pretty good."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Taking the night off.  Fighting blogger burnout.  I'm drained.By the way, there have been 52 prior entries in the Saturday Night Card Game series.  On the 53rd night I rest.So consider this something of an open thread.  It's your game tonight.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and...

...Just thought you'd want to know I have time and inclination.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

In light of some of the comments to yesterday's post, I really don't have much to say.I'll simply stand on my two-year record of blogging day in and day out against the Obama agenda starting prior to the election; defending and promoting the Tea Party...

As you know, I've been a little out of pocket the past couple of days hanging out at the hospital.  Nice to see that things have remained calm in my absence.My wife had some surgery at a wonderful hospital in Boston with an equally wonderful surgeon.  I would...

accompanying a family member to the hospital, stuck in a waiting room with a big screen TV which blared, in order, Ellen, Nate (whoever he is), and then The View.Two questions.1.  Did I miss anything?2.  Would you rather undergo invasive surgery, or watch, in order,...

As I've discussed with readers many times in the past, I frequently think about the direction in which to take this blog.  For the most part reader feedback has been "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and I've taken that feedback to heart. No flashing lights here. ...

There are many stories to tell about this election cycle, but one group of bloggers deserves special credit.In May 2009, a group of bloggers started a blog called Not One Red Cent in reaction to the attempt by the National Republican Senatorial Committee to anoint Charlie...

Something I want to focus on after the election.Just thought I'd let you know in advance, so you have something to look forward to.--------------------------------------------Posts Which Are Not Related In Any Way To The Title Of This Post:Greg Sargent Demands, But Doesn't Give, Context for Alaska...

Update 1:30 p.m. - Test over. Everything seemed to work well.  See you Tuesday.Just testing out the new version of Cover-It-Live software in preparation for Tuesday's Live Event.  The event will be turned live in the morning (probably around 9 a.m. E.S.T.) and remain open until...

My first blog post was October 12, 2008, Obama is "Door No. 2":As in Let's Make a Deal, choosing Door No. 2 carries great risks. So does choosing Obama.Obama may be a post-racial healer, or he may be someone who carefully uses race and false...

Via a link at HotAir, comes another over-the-top mainstream media fluff piece about the Coffee Party, making it out to be more than it is, this time by Agence France-Presse, Coffee Party seeks to outbrew Tea Party in US politics. In case you haven't noticed, I...