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Blogging Tag

That's the title of a post by Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge about Economics Professor Brad DeLong, of U.Cal Berkeley, in which Bainbridge collects links about DeLong from a variety of academic bloggers who have had the misfortune of having to deal with DeLong. I really don't...

The Fabulous 50 Blogs Awards have been announced.  The Awards go to the best conservative blogs in various categories, using a time-tested scientific methodology similar to that used to predict the weather.Based on scientific consensus, your humble correspondent was selected as Best Law Blogger.Remember, you can't...

This year, December was the cruellest month of all.How did I do?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I was a guest on The Teri O'Brien show last Sunday. We had a pretty entertaining conversation, touching on all the non-controversial issues of the day, like earmarks, the tax deal, DADT, Meghan McCain, Sarah Palin, and caribou.I even was nominated for clip of the day for...

As I mentioned before, I was selected to be the judge of the 2010 PUK Awards run by iOwnTheWorld.Twenty five images were selected from the nominees, and from those 25, I selected a winner and 9 others to round out the Top 10.  There were many good...

A reader in the military just forwarded me this screenshot showing that the Department of Defense computer system has been upgraded to block internal users from accessing Legal Insurrection:This apparently just happened, as the reader had accessed the site earlier today.Hey, whoever makes these decision...

Imagine my surprise when I saw the Memeorandum headline Joe Biden / Washington Post - Obama: On The Way To A Failed Presidency?:Could it be?  Another Biden gaffe?  And in The Washington Post, of all places.Nah, just a screw up by Memeorandum's algorithm.  The op-ed actually...

I am "honored" to have been asked by BigFurHat to be the judge of the PUK Award at iOwnTheWorld.This IS an honor, right?Do you think I made a mistake in giving him my social security and bank account numbers, and passwords?  He said it was...

Robert Stacy McCain has a hilarious post about being threatened by the lawyer for someone no one has ever heard of because McCain questioned whether that no one really knew someone else no one has ever heard of.How many nobodies does it take to result...

I appeared last night on NRA News with Cam Edwards.  Here's the segment:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Sorry my posting had been slow, but it's not like I'm tired or burnt out, because that would be completely unacceptable and would cause mean people to poke fun at me. Let's just say, I'm fed up with the world, no that doesn't sound right, let's...

Who am I to argue with a tireless and indefatigable blog goddess:"Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I've ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing joy...

Okay, blogging is tough.  We get it.  Great Grandma and Grandpa had it easy, with rotary phones and all ("You mean your Great Grandparents had a phone?"). If I hear another blogger complain about blogger burnout, I'm going to scream: I'm taking the evening off from blogging;...

The New York Times had an Op-Ed yesterday complaining about anonymous trolls on blogs who post inflammatory messages to get a reaction:Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its...

In response to my post calling out leftist Jewish bloggers for stoking charges of dual loyalty againt American Jewish supporters of Israel, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters (one of the bloggers mentioned in my post) tweets that I'm just a tribalist:Pathetic.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,...

... slowly I am destroying the economy, one reader at a time:"I’ve been reading this guy’s website for the last hour or so (and not getting any work done). It's pretty good."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Taking the night off.  Fighting blogger burnout.  I'm drained.By the way, there have been 52 prior entries in the Saturday Night Card Game series.  On the 53rd night I rest.So consider this something of an open thread.  It's your game tonight.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and...