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Blogging Tag

Are bloggers entitled to constitutional protection, Dick Durbin wonders out loud. I have a better question, are Senators entitled to anything? ...

Good news. Thumbs Up for comments are back. Bad news. Thumbs Down for comments are back. It proved to be a formidable challenge, for a variety of reasons, after the plug-in went wild in the wake of the Great Blog Meltdown of March 2013, and After-Meltdown Tremor. You voted to...

Here’s the bummer: right-wing blogs are read by only a fraction of the electorate, and so the good information put out there by the professor is almost without voice in the grand scheme of things. The truth he utters deserves greater audience. The tragedy is that...

I previously have posted about doom and gloom for the small conservative blogosphere, first in response to a post by John Hawkins about how bloggers need to go big or go home, Is there a place for me? Later as to what I was sensing leading up to and...

From Trochilus Tales, NJ Superior Court Judge: Blogger Protected By State Shield Law: A New Jersey Superior Court Judge, Karen M. Cassidy, A.J.S.C., has issued a written opinion (posted by CountyWatchers, here and hereafter cited as "decis") quashing a subpoena that had been issued by the...

Last Monday I appeared as a guest of The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization to give a talk at my alma mater, Hamilton College. AHI is not affiliated with Hamilton. To the contrary, as discussed here before, Hamilton would not allow AHI...

Anne forwarded this depressing Advertising Age article to me, As Ad Rates Sink, More Websites Explore Ad-Free Business: This is web publishing in 2013, when declining ad rates and the sense that each buck is harder to get than the last is leading increasing numbers of publishers...

The thumbs up/down feature is not working as to comments (it still works as to posts. As mentioned before, it's some sort of technical glitch arising out of the "restore" that took place last week. Apparently people have noticed because there have been many comments about it as...

I sent a similar question via the Contact page at the RNC website. I'll let you know if I hear back. @reinceWhy no mention of conservative bloggers?…— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 20, 2013 ...

The RNC rolled out its 100-page report on what went wrong in 2012 and what could be done better. The report has 39,136 words in it. One word is missing. Tells you everything you need to know. Contrast: with this: Even when the report does mention "social media," it's in the context...

Hispolitica has been launched by Javier Manjarres, who runs the great Shark Tank blog in Florida, as announced today: I’m proud to announce the re-launch of Hispolitica.  Hispolitica brings a balanced journalistic approach to the issues and concerns of Hispanics in light of their increasing influence in the...

And no one is going to hear you. I was going to link to a quite interesting post, with an excerpt, regarding the "Violence Against Women Act." The author, someone I had never heard of, writing at a website I never had heard of, made some excellent...

The financial pressures of the internet. We have touched on that from time to time, including with regard to Andrew Sullivan's modified-paywall, Blogonomics and independence. There is an urge to do what the "absolute worst" designed website on the internet does, and load up with pop-overs and...

This is the 8001st post at Legal Insurrection.  The 8000th post, not by design but by happenstance, was “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” Week at College Insurrection. So maybe this is another good opportunity to say thanks to the many supporters since October 12,...

I posted the other day about the lawfare threats against Canadian blog Blazing Cat Fur, In 2013, protect and support your local blogger more than ever. I didn't realize it, but they already have been sued by Michael Mann, who has sued National Review and Mark Steyn. As...

Andrew Sullivan: And so, as we contemplated the end of our contract with the Beast at the end of 2012, we faced a decision. As usual, we sought your input and the blogosphere's - hence the not-terribly subtle thread that explored whether online readers will ever...