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Black Lives Matter Tag

Asserting that they are "answering a call to confront and dismantle the white supremacist agenda in every community," a coalition of leftist groups is embarking on a 10-day march from Charlottesville to Washington D. C. Among their demands is the removal of President Trump from office and unspecified means of "confronting white supremacy throughout our history."  They also demand "an agenda that repairs the damage it's done to our country and its people." The Hill reports:
Activists are set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Va., to Washington, D.C., on Monday to confront white supremacy and demand President Trump's removal from office.

The "resist we much" crowd's fevered comparisons of President Trump to Hitler have embraced a new level of hysteria and hyperbole.  Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder Patrisse Cullors stated that BLM will not meet with Trump because they wouldn't meet with Hitler, either.  She also says that the president is "literally" trying to kill black communities. The Los Angeles Times reports:
[Interviewer:]  Trump has called BLM a threat. Is the door open to talk to him? [Cullors:]  It's not. And we wouldn't take the invitation. [Interviewer:]  Why not? [Cullors:]  We wouldn't as a movement take a seat at the table with Trump, because we wouldn't have done that with Hitler. Trump is literally the epitome of evil, all the evils of this country — be it racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia.

In dozens of posts we’ve highlighted how the anti-Zionist, non-Jewish group "Jewish Voice for Peace" (JVP) enables, legitimizes and mainstreams antisemitism by providing a seemingly Jewish cover for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and similar movements. But JVP isn't merely an enabler of antisemitism. JVP also itself is a producer of anti-Jewish animus.

Despite claiming to want to end racism, members of the Black Lives Matter movement held a Memorial Day event which was open only to black people. Amber Randall reported at the Daily Caller:
Black Lives Matter Throws ‘Exclusively Black’ Memorial Day Weekend Party The New York City chapter of Black Lives Matter hosted an “exclusively black” party over Memorial Day weekend.

The NAACP has determined that its current path is too tame and that the group needs to be far more activist in its resistance to the President. To that end, it is firing its president and working on a “systemwide refresh," inspired apparently by the Black Lives Movement. The New York Times reports:

Mr. Sessions’s order to federal prosecutors to pursue the toughest charges and sentences against drug crime suspects crystallized the decision to press for change at the N.A.A.C.P. The order reversed efforts by the Obama administration to ease penalties for some nonviolent drug offenses and was a 180-degree pivot even for the Republican Party, which had warmed to changes in the criminal justice system.

In July 2016 I documented a growing tactic in the anti-Israel movement, to blame Israel for domestic U.S. police shootings of blacks, such as Michael Brown in Ferguson. The tactic, meant to exploit preexisting racial tension and stoke anti-Semitism to turn people against Israel, had been many years in the making, as I wrote in Exposed: Years-long effort to blame Israel for U.S. police shootings of blacks:
... there has been a multi-year effort by left-wing and Islamist anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and openly anti-Semitic activists to hijack racial tensions in the United States and redirect that anger towards Israel. That effort has been on overdrive since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson and is accomplished through a combination of false and misleading statements regarding the militarization of domestic U.S. police departments and U.S. police training in Israel.

Last week, Pepsi received massive backlash from people on the left and right with an ad that starred Kendall Jenner. Those on the left claimed the ad made light of the Black Lives Matter movement while the right stated it put cops in a bad light. Pepsi pulled the ad in less than 24 hours. Now one of the extras in the ad spoke with People magazine and said the majority of the actors were foreign and that he, being from Thailand, did not understand the significance of the ad.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a non-Jewish organization that undermines the fight against, and enables, antisemitism by legitimizing and mainstreaming the anti-Israel movement’s assault on Jewish identity. JVP presents itself as a social justice organization committed to non-violence and peace. But as we’ve documented in dozens of posts, its tactics and affiliations tell a different story. JVP masquerades as merely devoted to ending Israel’s ‘occupation’ of Judea and Samaria/the West Bank when what it really wants is to end Israel. Its leadership and activists frequently promote and partner with extremist individuals and groups that demonize the Jewish state and delegitimize Zionism, while trafficking in negative stereotypes of Jews.

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has been one of the leading voices defending law enforcement officers in the age of Black Lives Matter, particularly by showing that much of the rhetoric about police shootings is statistically inaccurate or misleading. Mac Donald's willingness to take on the foundations of the Black Lives Matter movement has earned her the ire of the movement. Mac Donald was supposed to give a speech at Claremont McKenna College but student supporters of Black Lives Matter went nuts. In a way, it was like a repeat of what happened at Middlebury College to Charles Murray. The College Fix reports Angry mob shuts down Blue Lives Matter speech at Claremont McKenna College:

Controversial advertising is one of the best ways to earn media. Which seems to be what Pepsi was thinking when it released an ad with model Kendall Jenner, featuring police and protesters, intentionally reminiscent of Black Life Matters protests. Wednesday, Pepsi pulled the ad after immense backlash from all ends of the political spectrum. The left complained the ad made light of the Black Lives Matters protests while conservatives whined it placed cops in a bad light.

Last night we reported the breaking story of a horrific live-streamed video of four black teens in Chicago torturing a white special needs youth while taunting him, Black Chicago teens torture special-needs boy, yell “F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!” Today more horrible details were revealed by police, including the existence of a second video showing the perps forcing the victim to drink from the toilet. CBS Chicago reports:
A day after Chicago police said they were questioning four people about a “sickening” video showing the torture of a mentally disabled teen, a second video has surfaced showing the suspects forcing the young man to drink out of a toilet....

The Hamilton Musical protest, in which the cast went political on VP-elect Mike Pence at the end of the show, certainly made the weekend interesting. Mike Pence this morning brushed off the event, stating that the boos were "what freedom looks like" and said he wasn't offended by the cast members actions; though he did say he'd "leave it to others" to decide if that was the right time and place for a political protest. President-Elect was less forgiving, sending out multiple tweets criticizing the protest. You can see additional reactions in our two prior posts (here and here). Most of those reactions miss the big point.

Oberlin College certainly is an "exciting" place to be these days. Oberlin just fired a professor after antisemitic Facebook posts, students are petitioning to become a sanctuary campus, and the President of Oberlin just circulated an email about antisemitic vandalism at an unnamed professor's house. That come just after calls from Black Lives Matters supporters on campus to boycott Gibson's Bakery, near the Oberlin College campus. The spark was the arrest of a black student for shoplifting and assault, and two other students for assault on the shop owner. In response, Oberlin College appears to have ceased purchasing baked goods from Gibson's, in apparent sympathy with the boycott call:

Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, has been in business since 1885. It sells a variety of baked goods along with wine and other foods. On November 9, 2016, Gibson's employees noticed what they thought was a person shoplifting two bottles of wine hidden in his jacket. That alleged shoplifter was a black Oberlin College student. When they attempted to stop and photograph him, they were attacked by several other people accompanying the student. The police were called. The Oberlin town police department has posted the Incident Report online, reflecting the arrest of the alleged shoplifter and two others involved in the scuffle. Here is the first paragraph of the police report: