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Bill Gates Tag

A North Korean official indicates that the rogue nation is growing impatient with the U.S. over stalled nuclear talks, warning of "exchange of fire."
Kim Yong Chol said in a statement there has been no progress in U.S.-North Korea relations. He warned that the cordial relationship between dictator Kim Jong Un and President Trump wouldn't be enough to prevent nuclear diplomacy from failing, threatening that "there could be the exchange of fire at any moment."

South Carolina NAACP President Rev. Jerrod Moultrie made up one heckuva tall tale in April alleging he was racially profiled and harassed during a routine traffic stop. In a since-deleted Facebook post, Moultrie wrote about his encounter making himself out to be a tough guy and victim of a mean and racist cop who was convinced Moultrie had drugs.

Former Major League baseball player Jose Canseco won't be welcoming our new robotic overlords anytime soon. Monday, Canseco published a flurry of tweets warning about the mechanization of jobs once held by humans. Don't worry, robots "won't attack and kill us like in the movies," they'll just steal all of our jerbs.

Mega gazillionaire, tech innovator, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates sat down for lengthy interview with CNBC Tuesday. The majority of the interview focused on Gates' latest clean energy initiatives -- all privately funded through his private investment fund, stocked with fellow gazillionaire innovators. "I think this administration likes a good deal," said Gates, who explained he and others would feel comfortable approaching the new administration on a variety of issues like energy policy and general regulatory issues.

In the wake of the 2008, election a column at the LA Times declared Obama, the first social media president: Some things we know: Obama is no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. And he's no Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook). Rather than being given to...

Final assessment:  Newt was the star, combative in a good way and very knowledgeable.  Romney was strong at the start but faded.  Cain dealt with accusations well but went to 9-9-9 for everything, I think he's still well liked but not making the case for...

The 400 wealthiest people control more wealth than that controlled by bottom economic half the population. Michael Moore said it, and PolitiFact checked it, so it must be true.So what?There is no limit to wealth in a free-market, capitalist society, unlike a socialist society where government...