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Biden Administration Tag

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that in late January, the new administration implemented the requirement that all travelers into the United States be tested for COVID-19. Since then, there have been even more grand plans proposed. We covered the recent proposal to impose domestic travel restrictions, which seem to target the nearly-normally functioning state of Florida.

(See bottom of post for update.) TJ Ducklo, the deputy press secretary for the Biden administration, has been suspended from work for one week for allegedly telling a female reporter from Politico "I will destroy you." The reporter, Tara Palmeri, was asking questions about a story Ducklo did not want her to cover. Specifically, his romantic relationship with another member of the press.

Campus 'Confucius Institutes' have been repeatedly accused of spreading Chinese Communist Party propaganda in the United States for years. Trump took action on this issue last year, following the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. Biden is now turning back the clock and reversing this policy, which makes no sense.

The Miami Herald and McClatchy DC reported that President Joe Biden's administration has started looking into domestic travel restrictions thanks to the COVID-19 mutation:
Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.