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Bernie Sanders Tag

Last month, Kemberlee blogged about Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane, being investigated by the FBI for alleged fraud related to a $10 million loan obtained for the now-defunct Burlington College. The investigation has now expanded to include Bernie himself.  It has been alleged that Bernie used his considerable influence as a United States Senator and former Burlington mayor to encourage the bank to provide the loan. When the issue was raised last month by a local journalist, Sanders dismissed the question and blamed President Trump for the investigation.  The problem, however, is that the investigation began in January, 2016 when Obama was still in office and Loretta Lynch was still at Justice.

Larry Elder explains: "People who want equal results feel that things have been taken from them, they're owed something"...

Identity politics seemed to help Democrats . . . until it didn't.  In the wake of their devastating presidential election loss in 2016, Democrats have steadfastly avoided confronting the myriad flaws in their "divide and conquer" strategy that centers on creating a seemingly endless number of imagined underclasses and then nurturing their outrage, fear, and dissatisfaction all the way to the ballot box. What little meaningful reflection on the devastation of the Democratic Party that has taken place since November has done so on the new fringes created by a seismic shift in the party.  Where once the radical voices screeched about the evils of America, now the more moderate establishment Democrats and pundits are the radicals, advocating moderation and realignment.

There is still bitterness in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders supporters who believe the primary was rigged for Hillary Clinton. This problem was compounded when Tom Perez, a Clinton loyalist, was chosen to lead the DNC over Keith Ellison who had been endorsed by Sanders. Now the DNC has formed a new commission and it's made up entirely of Clinton people. Michael Sainato reports at The Observer:
DNC Voting Commission Consists Entirely of Clinton Surrogates, Ignores Own Primaries The Nation reported on May 25 that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a voting commission in response to President Donald Trump and Republicans forming their “election integrity” commission. Ari Berman for the Nation wrote, “The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread, document the impact of voter suppression efforts in the 2016 election, and propose solutions to expand voting rights.”

The Marshall Plan, aka the European Recovery Program, was devised as a means of rebuilding a decimated Europe after World War II. The radical left apparently recognizes, if not accepts ownership of, the decimation their policies have wreaked on America and its people because they are now proposing a "Marshall Plan for America" designed to "rebuild" the America they've all-but-destroyed. John Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP) is the leader of this plan, signalling that the "centrist" Hillary Clinton arm of the Democratic Party has embraced the socialist-Democrat wing headed up by Bernie Sanders.

CAP is suddenly concerned with the white American working and middle classes "left behind" by the regressive left's identity politics, income redistribution efforts, and SJW fervor.  Their solution to the "forgotten man"?  More central planning, slightly muted but still prevalent identity politics, and of course and always, more income redistribution.

Having failed to score a win in the Kansas special election and with Jon Ossoff not winning outright in Georgia, Democrats are turning their attention to the May 25 special election in Montana. This special election is taking place to fill Montana's only House seat to replace former Representative and current Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke.  Rob Quist, the Democrat, is competing for Zinke's seat against Republican Greg Gianforte. Quist is a banjo-strumming cowboy who, according to the Washington Times, "hides his socialist leanings under a cowboy hat."

Jane Sanders, wife of failed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is reportedly being investigated by the FBI. Sanders allegedly falsified loan documents while serving as President of the now defunct Burlington College (for more on that story, see Mike's post here). Bankrupt and without accreditation, Burlington College closed in 2016.

I predicted that the shenanigans used to lift-up the weak primary campaign of Hillary Clinton against her grassroots challenger, Bernie Sanders, would impact the Democratic Party for some time to come. Those chickens are now coming home to roost!

The GOP healthcare bill AHCA failed before Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) could even bring it to the floor. Of course, the Democrats have used this opportunity to gloat and take credit on television, even though they hold the minority in the House and Senate. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi led the charge.

Having worked their destructive magic in Detroit, the United Auto Workers union (UAW) has set its greedy sights on the South.  Roundly rejected by Tennessee workers at a Volkswagen auto plant in 2014, the UAW picked itself up, dusted itself off, and redoubled its thirteen-year efforts at a Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi. The South has long rejected unions, including the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers union who tried and failed to unionize Boeing workers in South Carolina last month.  But the UAW is undeterred, even dragging avowed socialist and failed presidential candidate for the 2016 Democratic nomination down from Vermont to try to convince Mississippians that he—and the UAW—knows what is in their best interests.

Self avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) inspired many people during his presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton. Somehow, though, I don't think he expected himself to inspire styles during Paris's fashion week.

Bernie Sanders has thrown his support behind Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison in the contest to lead the DNC. This should surprise no one because Sanders represents the radical far-left wing of the Democratic Party and that's where Ellison would steer the party as chairman. The Washington Times reports:
Bernie Sanders vows Keith Ellison will usher in ‘real change’ at DNC Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont went to bat Wednesday for Rep. Keith Ellison’s bid to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee, saying the status quo is not working and that the Minnesota Democrat has the gumption to move the party in a different direction.

As half the country learned two weeks ago, we do not select our president by popular vote, our president is selected by Electors in our Electoral College; a safeguard against pure democratic rule. As far as modern history is concerned, Elector's votes are typically congruent with their respective state's popular vote. Now, a handful of Democratic electors are threatening to vote their conscience:
At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution.

Defeat after defeat on Tuesday has left the Democrat Party in shambles. So much so they cannot decide on a leader. Rep. Nancy Pelosi has led the House Democrats since 2002 while Sen. Chuck Schumer will replace Harry Reid as Senate Minority Leader. But now the Democrats have delayed a vote on leadership in the House, possibly a sign that Pelosi's time has ended. In the Senate, anti-Trump protesters in DC have begun protesting Senator Shumer's new role.

The lesson Democrats are learning from the evisceration of the Democratic Party at the state level, the continuing loss of control of Congress, and the defeat in the presidential election is not that Democrats need to move back to the center. No, it's that Democrats need to move not just further to the left, but to the fringe left. Several top Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer, are backing Keith Ellison, Democratic Congressman from Minnesota, as the next DNC Chair. Daily Kos reports: