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Amnesty International Tag

A (now former) Gaza-based "consultant" with the 'human rights' behemoth Amnesty International has suddenly found herself in hot water after she allegedly sold out out fellow Palestinians in Gaza to the terrorist group Hamas. Self-styled "journalist" Hind Khoudary took to Facebook last week to alert three Hamas officials that a group of her fellow Gazans had had held an online chat with Israelis about the coronavirus crisis.

Australia has blasted the International Criminal Court (ICC) for launching an investigation against Israel. Rejecting the decision by the Hague-based tribunal to target the Jewish State over alleged 'war crimes,' Australia's Foreign Ministry questioned the legitimacy of the ICC probe against Israel. "Australia's position is clear — we do not recognize a so-called ‘State of Palestine’ and we do not recognize that there is such a State Party to the ICC’s Rome Statute,"said the ministry's spokesperson.

Anti-regime protesters torched around 731 banks in nationwide unrest that began two weeks ago, Iran's top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei admitted. The demonstrations against the Shi'a Islamic regime started on November 15 after Tehran announced the rationing of gasoline and a sharp hike in fuel prices. Protesters also turned their anger at symbols of the regime, setting fire to banners and billboards depicting Ayatollah Khamenei and Islamic propaganda.

The Iranian regime is using snipers and helicopter gunships to quell anti-regime protests, the media reports disclosed. People witnessed pro-regime sharpshooters firing at unarmed demonstrators, German newspaper Bild reported. "Verified video footage show snipers shooting at people from rooftops," the newspaper confirmed. "In at least one instance, a helicopter had been used for the shooting."

While the 18th anniversary of the Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem on August 9 is approaching, Janna Jihad, a young relative of the terrorist Ahlam Tamimi who planned and helped perpetrate the massacre, is on a US speaking tour. Janna Jihad is only 13, but she has already been groomed for years by the Tamimis to succeed her cousin Ahed Tamimi as the youthful, innocent face tasked with hiding the clan’s murderous hatred of Israel.

Given that California's Governor Gavin Newsom is a leading member of the #Resistance, nobody will be surprised that he called President Donald Trump's idea of relocating illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and state "asinine".
California Gov. Gavin Newsom tore into President Trump's proposal to send detained undocumented immigrants to sanctuary jurisdictions on Friday, declaring the idea "unserious," "illegal," "asinine" and "sophomoric," among other things.

On August 25, 1988, a tragedy struck in Iran, one that most people do not know about. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa that led to the execution of 30,000 Iranian political prisoners. That fatwa led to "the biggest massacre of political prisoners since World War II." Khomeini targeted members and those loyal to the opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK).