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2020 Election Tag

Vice President Joe Biden had a tough week, especially on the abortion topic. He also proved, at least to me, that he will say and do anything to get elected. On Wednesday, Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortions, then opposed it before his campaign said later in the day Biden supported it. After a lashing from opponents and activists, Biden announced on Thursday he does not support the Hyde Amendment.

There was much celebration on the left when a recent poll suggested that 40% of Americans support "some form of socialism." Ultimately, though, socialism itself is not becoming more popular with Americans.  It turns out that few know what it is—some think of it as "equality," others as free everything, others as capitalism lite, still others as ending poverty (!?), and so on.

If you thought the Mueller Report would cause Democrats to move on from trying to impeach Trump, you were severely mistaken. The Democrat Impeachment Train merely switched tracks. The first track, consuming two-and-one-half years, was Russia collusion. The Mueller report did derail that impeachment track, by finding no conspiracy with or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians. In short, Mueller found no collusion, a non-legal term that comports to conspiracy or coordination.

I haven't followed closely the saga of Joe Biden's alleged family conflicts in Ukraine and China when he was Vice President, but I'm aware that claims and counterclaims have been percolating through the mainstream and non-mainstream media and in the Democrat primary field. Being in the position of just hearing about it and seeing reactions, I'm a typical news consumer. And what I'm sensing, and have sensed for some time, is that Ukraine may be to Biden's campaign what emails were to Hillary's campaign. And China could get there too.

Rep. Al Green (D-TX) has made no secret over the last two and a half years of his desire to impeach President Donald Trump. In fact, Green made impeachment the centerpiece of his seventh Congressional term. It remains the centerpiece for this term. He first spoke of it on the House floor on May 17, 2017 and has several times since in various floor speeches, statements, interviews, and on social media.