2012 Republican Primaries | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 5
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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

There's a whole lot of punditry who have been singing the inevitability of Mitt Romney because for the first time in history a single candidate won both Iowa and New Hampshire in an open race.  The narrative was stupid -- because on election night Romney...

This is the first polling evidence of Newt's surge which has let Romney to relaunch Operation Zany and to haul out Susan Molinari and others to attack Newt. From Rasmussen this morning: The race for the Republican presidential nomination is now nearly even with Mitt Romney still on...

More Romney campaign theater of the absurd. The Romney campaign must know that Newt is surging in South Carolina: "There are some increasing signs -- though all of it anecdotal for now -- that Newt Gingrich is gaining some momentum three days before the South Carolina primary. First...

The best evidence that Newt is rising in South Carolina is that the Romney campaign is rolling out a new effort to paint Newt as "unreliable." It's the campaign theme that worked well for Romney in Iowa, when Romney rolled out his strategy of crazy. Operation Zany...

I saw this coming from a mile away. Mitt Romney's original position that he would not release his income tax returns, a position he held to for several weeks, now is slipping. At the debate last night Romney gave a convoluted answer that he "probably" would release...

Six hours in the car alone with large gaps in radio coverage (or at least any radio you would want to listen to) can have a clarifying effect. And so it did: We are on a path to nominate someone who campaigned against Reagan, campaigned against the...

The Bain attack ads have hurt Romney in South Carolina, as a Romney supporter acknowledges, although nowhere near the impact Romney's SuperPAC's anti-Newt ads had in Iowa.  (Before the Romney supporters get all preachy, I've had a chance to look back at some of those...

The Washington Post has awarded The King of Bain four Pinnochios, much as it awarded four Pinnochios to a Romney SuperPAC ad which devastated Newt in Iowa.  Romney's response at the time basically was, who me? The King of Bain is a mini-documentary created by a former...

John Sununu pretty much threatened Sheldon Adelson, who is funding a pro-Newt SuperPAC running ads about Bain, with retribution (emphasis mine): This went under the radar in the crush of primary day activity yesterday, but former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu — who has been among...

Richard Viguerie has an interesting observation regarding the methodology of Ron Paul's campaign intended to leave Paul as the last not-Romney standing, Ron Paul Goes Bird Hunting: Experienced bird hunters and fighter pilots know you don’t aim for the leader of a flight -- you start...

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary.  While the results are not final as of this writing, it looks like he comes in at 37-38%, with about the same total number of votes as in 2008. Here are the tweets of the night, bitter and otherwise. Tora...