2012 Republican Primaries | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

Rick Santorum has said he will be in the race for the long haul, and I have no reason to doubt his sincerity. But what message does it send his supporters in Florida that he's not even hanging around for election night? Failing to show early signs...

Mitt Romney's key debate line of late is that Newt resigned in disgrace over ethics charges. It's even featured in the most recent Romney advertisement (not his SuperPAC) running in Florida. I posted links the other day showing that the charges against Newt were political and that...

Did you hear what Andrea Mitchell said last night after the debate?  I did, and so did David Limbaugh. If true, abject panic is just below the surface: (video added, via Greg Hengler) We may be at Kübler-Ross Stage 4 over the prospect of a Romney nomination, but they...

This to be helpful to Newt not so much because it will change a particular vote, but because it adds to a helpful narrative for Newt and pushes back against the "erratic" meme being pushed by Romney and Santorum. Video h/t ElectAd: ...

Yessir, there is tonight: UCLA Political Scientist says Newt Gingrich is Biggest Threat to Obama (video here) It's open deli season.  "Their actions in the last five hours is a campaign that is panicking." Who needs the rednecks: "In South Carolina exit polls, Romney wins only the “moderate or...

Why is he doing this? Is his campaign really that incompetent? Having successfully shut down scrutiny in the primaries (but not the general election) of his Bain record with unfounded cries of "Newt's attacking capitalism and free markets," Romney is back to what started it all, the demand...

Mitt Romney's campaign is in trouble.  The trouble is not just the South Carolina vote count.  Romney's internal polling almost certainly also showed that he was behind in Florida, as public polling released today reflects. More worrisome for Romney is a growing chorus of doubters within the...

It's really no surprise. As Mitt Romney has faltered from inevitability to modest favorite, a chorus of pro-Romney voices in the media and Republican Party is insisting that if Newt is the nominee, we not only lose the presidency we also lose the House and...

Here were the final results in South Carolina:  Gingrich 40.4, Romney 27.8, Santorum, 17, Paul 13. Drop Out Argument:  On what basis does Santorum continue?  His Iowa momentum never lasted beyond Iowa.  South Carolina, with a large evangelical vote whose leadership endorsed him, was Santorum's best...

% Reporting: 99 Gingrich: 40.4 Romney: 27.9 Santorum: 17 Paul: 13 Live results pages:  SC Election Comm., Politico, Google, Associated Press. ------------------------------ Videos of speeches at ElectAd. Fox News confirms that Jeb Bush now plans to “stay neutral”  -- of coures, he may jump in at convention if things fall apart and if not, isn't...

Rick Santorum disqualified himself last night at the debate by his response to John King's question to Newt about the ABC News interview with Newt's ex-wife. The issue was more than just another issue, whether it was the Newt-Freddie consulting, Romney's tax returns, or Santorum's election...

Endgame assessment: Newt stole the buzz with the opening smackdown of John King over the issue of his ex-wife. After that Santorum was very aggressive, going after both Romney and Newt time and again; people either will like it or hate it. After a while...

My predictions: Rick Santorum is angry, and as I have said before, Rick Santorum does angry much better than even Newt does angry. He's in a no win situation -- if he scores enough points to damage Newt, he hands the SC election to Romney and...

Full speech by Rick Perry withdrawing from the race and endorsing Newt. If you want just the section endorsing Newt, it's here, but I recommend listening to the whole speech, it's worth it. The Perry endorsement is huge not because Perry had a large percentage (although even...

So reports Peter Hamby of CNN via Twitter: Rick Perry will drop out of the Republican presidential race today, two sources tell CNN. Updates:  Perry just scheduled an 11 a.m. press conference. Via HotAir, Perry will endorse Newt. Things are moving fast: The Daily Caller has learned that 100 tea party...