2012 Republican Primaries | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

I posted last night and again this morning that Rick Santorum had a terrible debate. But it's fair also to point out that many of the shots Romney scored on Santorum were cheap shots, as pointed out by George  Neumayr at The American Spectator (h/t reader OccamsrazorX): Romney,...

It's hard to know just how much of an effect Rick Santorum's horrible debate last night will have on the vote in Michigan and Arizona. It's hard to believe it helped, and it has to have hurt badly.  I think Philip Klein from The Washington Examiner...

This was, in many ways, the best answer of the night, with Newt turning the tables on his critics with a single word: Mitt Romney Central was not amused:   The "press" has a sense of humor: Sarah Palin seemed to like it: ...

Last Friday, I posted that if it came down to a choice between Romney and Santorum, "I'd have to think about it" because "[m]ost of all, I find [Santorum] to be the least scrutinized of the candidates so far." That post was taken as being "anti-Santorum," but it...

The consistency with which Ron Paul comes to the assistance of Romney has been clear since the fall debates, and Paul almost never has a harsh word to say about Romney. Paul's media staff put together some of the most vicious and effective ads, but always against...

Other than everything? It's a theme I've been harping on since the beginning of time, or at least the beginning of this campaign season.  Not being someone else is not a reason to vote for you. Oh, we'll vote for you if the only someone else is...

Deep down in Update III to a Thighgate post, Robert Stacy McCain makes an observation which is spot on about the mood out here in blog-over country: There has been a lot of crazy on the blogosphere today that had nothing to do with me and, discussing it with...

CNN has cancelled a scheduled March 1 debate in Georgia just ahead of Super Tuesday after Romney, followed by Santorum and Paul, announced they would not participate. This makes perfect sense, of course.  Why should Republican candidates pay respect to the heart of the South, a...

It must be great to be Rick Santorum running against Mitt Romney. By the time Mitt gets to you, after Mike H., John M. and Newt G., all of the sudden there is grave concern that Mitt will not be nice.  What's that saying, it's better...

Yes, my thoughts exactly: National Review lost any credibility to chime in on the primaries when it ran its infamous Marvin the Martian cover and issue in late December. At least Andy McCarthy understood at the time: For the Editors to single out Gingrich for this kind of...

Mitt won the Maine caucuses, Mitt won the Maine caucuses! 39-36 over Ron Paul, with about 5000 people voting!  Not for Mitt, in total. He also won the CPAC straw poll.  Just like Michele Bachmann won the straw poll in Iowa.  And Herman Cain in Florida. ...

PPP polling shows Santorum with a huge surge in support since he won the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and non-binding Missouri primary, to the point that he leads nationally with 38 percent, to 23% for Romney, 17% for Newt, and 13% for Ron Paul. Although a surge of...

You be the judge, and remember, Newt Judges You. video platform video management video solutions video player video platform video management video solutions video player video platform video management video solutions video player...

As was documented by Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator, the floor speech Newt gave about Reagan's "failing" Soviet policy in 1986 was filled with praise for Reagan and the criticisms of the policy raised in the speech were common among conservatives.  The suggestion that Newt was...

Romney does not appear to be falling for the second political death (or is it third?) of Newt, because his SuperPAC still is going negative against Newt. Perhaps his team knows, based on internal polling, that for all of Santorum's caucus wins and next best thing hoopla, Newt remains...