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Romney’s “hollow and dispiriting” win last night

Romney’s “hollow and dispiriting” win last night

I posted last night and again this morning that Rick Santorum had a terrible debate.

But it’s fair also to point out that many of the shots Romney scored on Santorum were cheap shots, as pointed out by George  Neumayr at The American Spectator (h/t reader OccamsrazorX):

Romney, at his most hypocritical, labored hard to present himself as more socially conservative than Santorum, noting that Rick had voted for Planned Parenthood funding. Astonishingly, Santorum missed his chance at a return upper cut. Why didn’t he mention that Romney once gave money to Planned Parenthood from his own pocket? Why didn’t he mention that Romneycare dollars go to Planned Parenthood?

Romney’s sudden social conservatism invites an obvious question: How stupid does he think primary voters are? Romney’s con job here depends upon the amnesia of his audience. Here’s a politician who pled fealty to Roe v. Wade, voted for Democrat Paul Tsongas, and competed with Ted Kennedy as a champion of “gay rights.” By the way, Romney’s social conservatism didn’t even last for the whole debate. In the second hour of it, he indicated his support for women in combat.

The problem is, a cheap win is a win, and when the candidate is left — as Newt was after the Florida debates — debunking Romney’s obfuscation after the fact, it’s too late.

Neumayr finds that on balance Newt came out ahead:

Meanwhile, an unmolested Newt Gingrich, freed from the pressures of “frontrunner status,” resumed his role as the commanding, Olympian overseer at GOP debates.

I continue to believe that Newt will be the last not-Romney standing.


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I also liked Mr. Neumayr’s column of today, most particularly the parts where he called Mr. Romney’s campaign “essentially plastic and dishonest” and referred to Mr. Romney himself as a “con man.” Works for me.

“Astonishingly, Santorum missed his chance at a return upper cut.”

Not in the least “astonishing”. I’d be astonished if he hadn’t missed his chance. He missed his chance to disembowel Romney on Romneycare several debates ago — at the time his rebuttal was seen as impressive but it was just a rambling toothless monologue of lost opportunity.

He aint got it.

What should be astonishing is that Gingrich hasn’t chewed up the insulting imposter Romney and spit him out by now. But, again, not really. Gingrich labors under a curse, the unshakable trauma of how Clinton’s machine turned him into an ogre. Since then he’s been over-compensating. What a tragedy we’re in right now — or is it a farce? The best and most capable man languishes, the weakest and most fraudulent gloats.

    Hope Change in reply to raven. | February 23, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    Hi raven — I know what you mean.

    But here’s something that offers quite a ray of hope if true.

    A man I know through newt’s network has had a lot of experience with campaigns. He just says flatly that in order for Newt’s numbers to go up, Santorum’s must go down.

    Last night, he said that in his opinion, Santorum is a guy who does not hold up well to scrutiny. On the other hand, he said, Newt improves with scrutiny.

    Ergo, Newt’s numbers will rise.

    raven, courage! Third time’s a charm!

A Romney vs Obama race could easily be summed up as a battle of the two parties or just a racial thing … you pretty much get the same thing either way (expect Obama has a busload of radical Left friends who will take the US further into a Socialist hole). Obama is, and Romney strikes me as, one of those guys who thinks government is for exploiting (i.e. crony capitalism and a few other -isms). It could be argued that it is a choice between being progressive and being radically progressive, but ether way you get no progress.

Romney’s so-called win is hollow for sure – creepy ‘hollow’

One creepy factor was its location – It was held in a Mormon town on purpose to give Romney a home-town advantage.

This is exactly why the GA (and the CA) debate was cancelled, to DENY Newt the same advantage/courtesy. With Romney and Paul bowing out, pretty-much Santorum had to do so. With CA, in the Reagan Library, Newt would be able to claim an ideological and historical advantage again.

What is especially creepy because this (and the GA and CA debate cancellations) were decisions made by the RNC and media, I suppose, but the choice of this location is a sign of the manipulation of the debate and primary campaign by a powerful body politic.

Then there is the artificially and ostentatiously vociferous cheering by the Romney and Paul camps.

Another creepy fact or is it? Paul claims he has the second highest number of committed delegates:

The creepiest of all: the creepy, sinister wink Paul gave Romney during the debate.

Conservatives only hope is to keep researching, telling and passing the truth along despite the establishment and the media.

If the RNC were not enough, then there is the DNC and all the Islamic/Marxist and agenda groups…and Soros, et al.

Is there any hope for an honest election?

    “Is there any hope for an honest election?”

    No, not on the current moral and political trajectory we’re on. We have more suffering ahead before lessons are learned.

    Nothing to do with Mitt Romney can possibly come to a good end.

    Santorum was never equal to the task of the opportunity that came his way, and that opportunity is gone.

    Gingrich — he is the tragic figure here, and we are implicated in the tragedy.

    We have one last chance — revolt and mayhem at the convention.

      Hope Change in reply to raven. | February 23, 2012 at 1:30 pm

      hi raven. I understand the feeling, very well.

      Let’s give this process time before we decide to have mayhem…? This is by no means over. Newt very definitely can win this.

      It’s possible we can do this without mayhem. I hope!

      Anyone who is ready, sign up at newt’s network.

      We’ve been coasting for decades, trying to elect conservatives and thinking that would take care of it. But it wasn’t enough. They were subsumed into the Establishment MATRIX.

      We’ve let the Left co-opt our government.

      Now we have to exert ourselves to take it back to the Constitution. Sign up. Now. We can do this.

      And btw, I just heard Rush say that Newt was fabulous last night. I so agree.

        I appreciate your positiveness, Hope, and the many times here you reaffirm your moniker.

        I don’t see “mayhem” as a negative. I see it as the natural result of our struggles with the establishment. In any case, I see the elements of a revolt falling into place. It is historically due. On one hand, there is the furious and frustrated grassroots, on the other the desperately controlling and oppressive establishment at the end of its time. Romney and his Nixonian brigade of anal control-freaks and paranoics will no doubt overplay their hand. Once a spark is struck…

        Romney is playing a dangerous game by assimilating Leftist tactics, and in the end he hasn’t the wits or nerve to pull it off; moreover, we haven’t the witlessness or willingness to roll over, finally.

          Hope Change in reply to raven. | February 24, 2012 at 12:04 am

          raven said: I appreciate your positiveness, Hope, and the many times here you reaffirm your moniker.

          I don’t see “mayhem” as a negative. I see it as the natural result of our struggles with the establishment. In any case, I see the elements of a revolt falling into place. It is historically due. On one hand, there is the furious and frustrated grassroots, on the other the desperately controlling and oppressive establishment at the end of its time. Romney and his Nixonian brigade of anal control-freaks and paranoics will no doubt overplay their hand. Once a spark is struck…

          Romney is playing a dangerous game by assimilating Leftist tactics, and in the end he hasn’t the wits or nerve to pull it off; moreover, we haven’t the witlessness or willingness to roll over, finally.

          Hi raven, hear! hear! I agree with what you have written.

          (btw, the full moniker is 2010 hope 2012 change. I got the idea from a fabulous logo at Just a Conservative Girl

          so raven, I hear what you are saying and I understand very well.

          All I’m saying is that we still have a chance to channel the rebellious energy into transforming the federal government, using the plan Newt is constantly setting forth in his speeches.

          Regarding the free market, people write a lot about creative destruction. We’re having creative destruction right now.

          I think what we all sense is that a time has come when the old ways will not work anymore — not the crony capitalism, not the unions trying to run our state governments and schools, not the constant Leftward drift in our universities and MSM, et cetera.

          And there is a very good reason to try to channel it instead of smashing things.

          Because let’s remember that the LEFT is delighted when a free society experiences violence.

          Because it’s a crisis. And the Left loves a crisis. They perceive it as an opportunity to grab more power.

          And, in addition, because in any case, if violence destroys the wealth, ease, confidence, well-being, prosperity and comfort of a free society, it’s ALL GOOD for the Left.

          So. We sense that a huge smash-up energy is building. People are FED UP.

          TEA Parties, and, in a weird way, to the extent that the energy of the OWS is authentic, the OWS energy (not the ideology) is also part of it.

          FED UP WITH America’s Ruling Class, the Establishment of both parties and those who think they can rule us. As InstaPundit quotes, “THEY’RE TRYING TO TURN US ALL INTO BEGGARS, BECAUSE BEGGARS ARE EASIER TO PLEASE.” (or words to that effect. I can’t find the quote.)

          This is a huge wave of energy. I think it could be like a destructive tsunami. This, of course, is what Obama and his execrable minions hope for.

          BUT BUT BUT if we CATCH this wave, with Newt’s vision, it will CARRY US to something NEW. Is it Einstein who said, “PROBLEMS CAN’T BE SOLVED ON THE LEVEL UPON WHICH THEY ARE OCCURRING.”

          But we have to be nimble and quick and visionary. And then the wave will give us energy to transform things into something REALLY NEW.

          Then, we can go directly to the part where we SUCCEED. We bring manufacturing back to American, simplify our tax code, transform our federal government into the world that works, bring home all the $ billions tied up overseas because our laws and regulations are so stupid and unnecessarily, unproductively burdensome. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

          Then we again are a leading, prosperous, peaceful nation.

          This is why I am constantly asking people to really study what Newt is proposing. WE CAN DO THIS.

          We can have what we want. There are more of us than there are of them. But we must understand the plan. And there really is a plan. And it really is in the speeches. And the time is NOW.

          raven, I enjoy reading your very insightful, eloquent, energetic and sometimes delightfully scathing comments. Thanks for responding directly to what I wrote.


    Ragspierre in reply to Uncle Samuel. | February 23, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    Let me be a little contrarian here…

    How is any collusion between Romney and Paul “dishonest”?

    What rule are they violating?

    What rule are they violating that Hucksterbee didn’t violate last cycle?

    I don’t know but I’m not giving up and others shouldn’t either. That is exactly what the establishment is hoping for-to wear us down.

Regarding that Romney-Paul “tag team”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Wednesday left the door wide open to consider accepting a nomination for vice president on a Mitt Romney ticket

I’ve realized that I’m not part of the GOP voters who are ABO – especially if the GOP candidate is Mitt Romney. For some/many voters it is enough to replace Obama even if the GOP guy who replaces him is just as bad. They don’t care about voting FOR a candidate – they are just voting AGAINST Obama.

Personally I don’t think Romney would end up being that much different than BO and the GOP critters in Congress would be more likely to fold on his sucky ideas that they are on Obama’s. If the nation is going in the tank I’d rather the Dems get “credit” for it. It’s time for the guys in Congress to step up and accomplish something other than folding.

    Aitch748 in reply to katiejane. | February 23, 2012 at 8:13 pm

    I was just thinking today that if the GOP candidate is similar enough to the Democrat incumbent, then we’re left with the choice of no more than four more years of the progressive we already have, vs. a possible EIGHT years of the rudderless shyster who’s being sold as a conservative. If Romney wins the election and he proves as bad as Obama, is anybody in the GOP really going to challenge him in the primary in 2016? I don’t believe so. As awful as it sounds, if Romney should get the nomination, it’s at least possible that Obama might actually be the lesser of the two evils.

    And wouldn’t that be a massive irony? We who have been voting GOP have been having to pick the lesser of two evils for decades. Wouldn’t it be something if the lesser of the two evils wasn’t in the GOP this time around?

Rush is trying to spin and explain what Santorum meant. But at least he had the decency to say “Newt was on his game.” But Rush is starting to wear thin on me with his all Santorum, all the time.

Windy City Commentary | February 23, 2012 at 12:52 pm

Guess What? Romney also supported No Child Left Behind.

“I respect the fact that he put in place No Child Left Behind. I know a lot of people in my party don’t like it, but I do like it. I’d like to give states more flexibility in applying it, but I like the fact that we test our kids. There are a number of things I like about what he did. There’s some things that I’m — I take exception with. I think the Medicare Part D program should have been part of a broader Medicare reform program, and so that for me was something which I was concerned about. It added a multi-trillion dollar obligation to the balance sheet of our country. That gives me concern.”

Read more:,2933,325227,00.html#ixzz1nEEdGjU4,2933,325227,00.html

NC Mountain Girl | February 23, 2012 at 1:04 pm

Talk about ABO syndrome. I can’t believe Coulter is still pushing the Romney balanced the budget without a tax increase meme. Mitt signed a 2 cent a gallon increase in the state “gasoline fee”. How is that not a tax increase? She’d disembowel a Democrat who misused the language that way.

I suspect one reason Romney isn’t getting all that much credit for his business experience is that most successful business people are straight shooters. My first boss after graduating law school had been Director of Taxes at Searle when Rumsfeld was CEO. Rummy had zero tolerance for double talk or obfuscation, a trait my boss had eagerly adopted. Dick Cheney is much the same. It is impossible to watch Mitt and imagine him working long under either of those men. Nor do I imagine Bain had much tolerance for executives in acquired companies who habitually contorted the language to hide a dubious record of accomplishment.

NC Mountain Girl | February 23, 2012 at 1:09 pm

The supposedly loathsome Newt isn’t all that far behind Obama in this new poll commissioned by Pajamas Media.

People continue to view Gingrich from the intoxicating fumes of his past glory days, along with his words now of what he would do should he become POTUS. Heady ideas, though, don’t always become rock solid reality. And, this has been a legacy of Newt, to talk big, expecting others to then do the grunt work of implementation. However, he does not have the coattails of good will, of either political cohorts or supporters, to ride on. He has gained few endorsements from those who served with him. Why not? His favorability ratings are the lowest of all candidates. Why? His numbers with woman are weak. Why? These are simply facts that either are being denied or overlooked. However, in the GE they become real obstacles that will weigh heavily on Gingrich, should he somehow become the fantasy nominee of the republican party.

    PhillyGuy in reply to tsr. | February 23, 2012 at 1:52 pm

    Exactly what makes me nervous about Newt. I love that he is an idea machine and he instinctively knows how to articulate conservative ideals and rub Obama’s face in them. If that were just who Newt was then we would have a nominee by now. But it’s not.

    Newt has compiled an impressive array of people who really don’t like him. I just wonder what that means. It makes me pause a bit. If Newt could make people feel better about that, he would build his momentum back up.

      Hope Change in reply to PhillyGuy. | February 23, 2012 at 2:31 pm

      Hi PhillyGuy — The way to feel better about Newt is to get more information.

      PhillyGuy. My friend. This isn’t about Newt. Newt’s plan provides us with a focus. We are the energy, the intelligence, the current, the drive that will make it work and come to life.

      This is about America. This is our turn to make sure freedom survives.
      RONALD REAGAN: “These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.”

      I am determined that we are not going to lose our freedoms on my watch.

      The plan is clearly stated inNewt’s 2012 CPAC speech.
      (I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)

      Only you can find out for you.

    Hope Change in reply to tsr. | February 23, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    tsr — this meme might once have been persuasive, but last night we found out that Newt’s salient feature is that he’s CHEERFUL. So no go.

    Oh, and here are some resources that, if you should care to become informed about Newt’s accomplishments and support among those who have worked with him, you can peruse.

    300 TEA Party groups endorse Newt.
    INCLUDING Herman Cain – Fred Thompson – Bob Smith, New Hampshire – Zell Miller, Georgia – Fred Grandy, Iowa
Greg Ganske, Iowa – J. C. Watts, Oklahoma – John Napier, South Carolina – Bill McCollum, Florida
- Gary Lee, Florida – Sonny Perdue, Georgia – André Bauer, South Carolina – SEE the post for the full list —

    tsr, Newt has a plan to help us restore our liberties, prosperity and strength.
    Newt was the prime mover of the prosperity of the 90’s. Read DEAR SPEAKER GINGRICH, PolitiJim’s endorsement, with research into what actually happened in the 90’s.

    “As a former Gingrich congressional intern who lived in his basement in 1979 and worked in his campaigns through the 80s during the lead-up to the GOP’s 1994 takeover of the House of Representatives, I know something about both Newt’s stick-to-it-tive-ness and his likability. [LIKABILITY!]

    Faced in these days with skepticism, even scorn, from party elders who disliked his Contract With America and laughed at his hope of winning and keeping a House majority, Gingrich persevered and even (well, most of the time) cheerfully so. [CHEERFULNESS!]

    That Gingrich inspires such loyalty and a 24/7 willingness to work for him among current staffers too comes as no surprise to those of us who have known him, a loyalty that was very much on display at the Super bowl Party Gingrich and his wife Callista held for the staff at the conclusions of the five-day strategy conference.” [LOYALTY! — 24/7 WILLINGNESS TO WORK FOR HIM!]

    tsr, I hope that if you love our liberties, as I imagine you do, you will please take a look at Newt’s CPAC speech or the new talk on energy. We can restore our country. This means jobs for the people we love, money in our pocket, and excitement instead of dread for the future.

      NC Mountain Girl in reply to Hope Change. | February 23, 2012 at 4:30 pm

      The House class of 1994 contained many who promised to term limit themselves. Those who held to their word tend to now hold Gingrich in much higher esteem than those who are now on at least their eighth Congressional term.

      Consider also who was chosen to replace Newt an what happened to Government spending once Newt was gone. The more acerbic Tom Delay selected the bland persona of Denny Hastert as Speaker. Hastert, aka The Highway Robber, was a product of the same corrupt Illinois political culture that has seen the last two governors convicted on corruption charges. He proved one of the worst speakers in history and decided to resign when it was clear that that Republicans were going to lose power in 2006. Hastert had already assured that his retirement would be comfortable by secretly inserting $207 million into the budget for the “Prairie Parkway” – a new highway that coincidentally ran past 210 acres of undeveloped land Hastert happened to own.

Q: How can you tell Newt won the debate?

A: The Newt Concern Trolls are back at it!

Deconstructing Newt Concern Trolls

From ‘tsr’, in pieces:

“People continue to view Gingrich from the intoxicating fumes of his past glory days, along with his words now of what he would do should he become POTUS.”

As opposed to Romney, Santorum, and Paul whose glory days were…. Oh, yeah. They’ve never had any glory days.

“Heady ideas, though, don’t always become rock solid reality.”

This is meaningless without an explanation of why Romney’s, Santorum’s, or Paul’s ideas would become rock solid realities; this assessment, were it true, would apply to any and all candidates.

“And, this has been a legacy of Newt, to talk big, expecting others to then do the grunt work of implementation.”

Welfare reform under a liberal Dem president, balanced federal budgets four years running, and many other achievements, all negated because Newt didn’t accomplish them on his own, had to rely on… well, the constitutionally mandated processes of the federal government. This is a nonsense complaint, and reveals gross ignorance on what a president can and cannot do.

“However, he does not have the coattails of good will, of either political cohorts or supporters, to ride on. He has gained few endorsements from those who served with him. Why not?”

He has plenty of endorsements. See Hope’s post. What candidate *does* have the universal support of former ‘cohorts’? And Newt doesn’t have the support of his, um, supporters? Der, huh?

“His favorability ratings are the lowest of all candidates. Why? His numbers with woman are weak. Why?”

Because these numbers constantly fluctuate in a campaign, and are often manipulated. How odd you didn’t honor polls as perfect and unerring when they *favored* Gingrich. Polls are useless, measurable for accuracy only in hindsight. I said that when Newt was up and it remains true now that he’s down. So pleaee, go ahead and cherry pick polls when they support a dubious premise. Perhaps it’ll get you a job at MSNBC or CNN. Or the Romney campaign.

“These are simply facts that either are being denied or overlooked.”

Oh, so you’re the guy in my head who knows what I deny and overlook better than I do, indeed, better than all Newt supporters do. You are a sanctimonious and condescending fool to broad brush like this, a ploy straight from the Alinsky playbook. You, sir, may bite our collective asses with this nonsense.

“However, in the GE they become real obstacles that will weigh heavily on Gingrich, should he somehow become the fantasy nominee of the republican party.”

Who’s playing fantasy games here? Geez, lol. Point of fact: Polls conducted during a primary campaign season measure dynamics almost entirely isolated to the primary campaign. No GOP candidate is running against Obama yet, though they take a shot here and there. The GOP candidates are running against each other. This colors polling. Now factor in how unreliable polling is, and how those who follow polls are constantly in the position of wondering whether a given poll is an outlier or not, and how a given poll finding is considered true if it is consistent with other polls. The wise poll watcher understands that consistency among polls often simply means they are all consistently wrong, a fact frequently revealed, but.. alas always in hindsight. “DEWEY WINS!”

Whose in charge of this blog? I wanna talk to whoever’s in charge of hiring the concern trolls, because this lot simply doesn’t measure up. They are terrible at it.

    PhillyGuy in reply to Henry Hawkins. | February 23, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    What’s funny is that some of you are so aggressive about calling others names that you don’t see why Newt can’t sustain momentum. He’s a brilliant guy, filled with great ideas – easily the best debater out there. That’s the good part. The bad part is how diffused he gets. Almost like he has too many ideas and is frustrated that people can’t deal with them. That’s not the mark of a good leader. He has to sell the electorate that he can generate the ideas and lead people to implement them successfully imo.

    I watched Newt give those speeches when the Republicans were in the minority – that’s the Newt that needs to appear. I will vote for him when the primaries roll over to PA because I think he’s the right man for this job but I appear to be in the minority at this moment.

      Hope Change in reply to PhillyGuy. | February 24, 2012 at 12:42 am

      PhillyGuy — May I say that I am delighted to hear that you are going to vote for Newt.

      Please look at the discussion above about how Santorum’s numbers need to go down in order for NEwt’s numbers to go up.Santorum’s numbers are going down the more people get a good look at him.

      PhillyGuy — you said: “[of NEWT} He’s a brilliant guy, filled with great ideas – easily the best debater out there. That’s the good part. The bad part is how diffused he gets. Almost like he has too many ideas and is frustrated that people can’t deal with them. That’s not the mark of a good leader. He has to sell the electorate that he can generate the ideas and lead people to implement them successfully imo.”


      PhillyGuy, echo of the City of Brotherly love, the home of the Liberty Bell, this is do or die for our country.

      It is our job to act like citizens. We can’t put this off on Newt. It’s our job.

      The plan is clearly stated inNewt’s 2012 CPAC speech.
(I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)

      Newt was the prime mover of the prosperity of the 90′s. Read DEAR SPEAKER GINGRICH, PolitiJim’s endorsement, with research into what actually happened in the 90′s.

      “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.”

      “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH” will make you fall in love with the origins of our country and fill you with the resolve that freedom will not be lost on your watch.

      The first speech here is about the new communications and the new paradigm for how we can transform government using new technologies. Brilliant.

      PhillyGuy, the fact that you have decided to vote for Newt is fabulous.

      But if we’re going to shrink Washington, we have to grow citizens through the country, back home.

      We are the vanguard. We are the Daniel Boone, the Davy Crockett, the Lewis and Clark, the astronauts. We are the early adopters. We have to be prepared.

      See what I mean? Peace.

    Hope Change in reply to Henry Hawkins. | February 24, 2012 at 12:17 am

    Henry Hawkins, hilarious!

    Gentle readers, if you haven’t noticed, you can tell which is the concern troll and then Henry Hawkins’ deconstruction if you track the quotation marks. I know, I know, but it took me a minute to figure it out.

    Henry Hawkins: if the concern trolls here are not good enough, perhaps someone could see if Robert Fisk is looking for something to do?

    Thank you !! I laughed!

I’m sitting here now listening to Dick Morris on Sean Hannity blowing the Mitt Romney was Presidential last night horn. It’s just sickening!

Hope/Change you are such a warrior for Newt and very inspiring. I just wish your energy would rub off on me,LOL!
I have seen all the videos of Newt and agree they are very inspiring, BUT….there is a very concerted effort to keep Newt out of the running by the establishment and Romney. They have way more money than Newt could ever come up with. I just don’t have a good feeling about it right now, even though Newt was good and the audience responded well to him.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Scorpio51. | February 23, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    All GOP money goes to the nominee for the general. Newt’s or any candidate’s financial situation changes drastically if he wins the nomination.

      That’s right Henry and let’s not forget the $100 million Adelson pledged to help Newt in his campaign:)

      Plus, Newt is one of the best fundraisers in the country, and I speak from experience regarding his ability.

    janitor in reply to Scorpio51. | February 23, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    Mitt Romney presidential? I thought he came off like a conniving dork. Doesn’t anyone actually LISTEN to what he says? He has all the mannerisms and verbiage of a conman. I’ll take Santorum’s honest emotions any day.

    Hope Change in reply to Scorpio51. | February 24, 2012 at 1:18 am

    Oh, Scorpi051 — thanks for your kind words.

    I agree that a person has to decide what to look at and what to love.

    I appreciate your words to me.

    But it’s not really about Newt.

    It’s about America. And the reason America matters is, America a place where the human spirit is supposed to be allowed to be free to dream the best life possible.

    Did you have a chance to look at these?

    RONALD REAGAN: “These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.”

    “THE NAME ON THE FRONT IS A HELL OF A LOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE ON THE BACK.” It’s time for us to begin to play like champions.

 We’re skating for the United States of America.

    Hope Change in reply to Scorpio51. | February 24, 2012 at 1:28 am

    Scorpio51 — one more thing.

    this is a really crucial moment. they are trying to hypnotize you into thinking that you are part of a weak team.

    You are part of the INVINCIBLE team.

    There are more of us than there are of them.

    The human spirit is longing to breath free in a spirit of fairness in just about everyone.

    Watch Newt’s speeches to get high morale. Seriously. You are part of the STRONG team.

BannedbytheGuardian | February 23, 2012 at 11:01 pm

Isaac Newton had many enemies also.

[…] him in the general election.  The pathetic RM (Romney Media) will hide anything, do anything, say anything, and destroy anyone who stands between their precious little darling and the White […]