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1619 Project Tag

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has sent a letter to the Department of Education, objecting to the implementation of the 1619 Project in American schools. The project's author, Nikole Hannah-Jones recently appeared on CNN to object, and laughably framed this as a free speech issue. Hannah-Jones herself has admitted that the 1619 Project is really all about controlling the narrative.

NY Times columnist Bret Stephens, regularly reviled by liberal NY Times readers much as was the resigned Bari Weiss, has written a masterpiece takedown of the NY Times' 1619 Project.

The 1619 Project is the Times' attempt to manipulate and recast history to mark the start of the United States as 1619, when the first chattel slave ship arrived. In the Times' rendering, everything of importance emanates from that event and from slavery.

Nikole Hannah-Jones has admitted that her '1619 Project' was more about controlling the narrative than presenting an accurate portrayal of history. She and the New York Times have also already scrubbed central aspects of the project, angering progressives. Now, a group of scholars is calling on the Pulitzer board to revoke a prize awarded to Jones last spring.

Here at LI, we have long covered the Marxist takeover of college education and its devolution into the crazed, self-righteous cancel culture cult that has taken over the leftstream media, Hollywood, and major corporations.  Campus culture has become American culture in many disturbing and alarming ways, and as Andrew Breitbart famously noted "politics is downstream from culture."

The "1619 Project" from The New York Times received criticism due to inaccuracies. A fact-checker on the series even knocked on the paper after it ignored her expertise. Facts don't matter to Hollywood because Oprah Winfrey and Lionsgate picked up the series to make it into a series of television shows and films.