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I guess this is the day for anecdotes. First, the friend who texted “Omg!” after seeing 2016 Obama’s America. Then, the carpet cleaning guy today who called this photo to our attention when told about this blog: (Background on the sign here and just about...

No, that’s not a typo or some psychological slip. It’s what I believe to reflect a sea change in how people view the Scott Brown – Elizabeth Warren match-up. Earlier this week PPP released a poll showing Brown ahead by 5 points, and people were...

Via The Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren have clashed about taxes, jobs and small businesses as their race heats up under the national spotlight — but their skirmishing took a detour this week as the rivals traded barbs on a simple...

Operation Counterweight, the electoral strategy for the rest of us, is intended to help provide a counterweight to conservatives being sold out in two ways. First, we must elect more conservative Republicans.  Second, we must hold the House majority and take back the Senate by a sufficient majority...

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day has proven something I’ve noticed before. Conservatives are very good at buycotts, but very bad at boycotts. There have been attempts by some conservative and religious groups to boycott various businesses over political issues. But I can’t think of one, at least...

CNN is hyping this story, but when you dig into it, there’s no firm evidence, only piecing together assumptions and conjecture. Obama’s family tree connection to first African American slave (emphasis mine): His family tree has been linked to Brad Pitt, Sarah Palin and both Presidents...

Three radio events yesterday, all related to my post Obama and Warren cribbed “build it” narrative from progressive Berkeley Professor. 1. Rush featured the post in a lengthy segment.  I don’t have the audio, but the transcript is here. (Audio added via DailyRushbo): 2. I...

This was almost the best day in the existence of those Obama supporters who dream every night about what they can do the next day to tag Mitt Romney as racist. They almost got what they wanted today, or so they thought, because The Telegraph...

The moment I heard Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech, I knew Obama had dug himself a deep hole from which he would have to spend considerable time climbing out of. Via Zeek Miller at BuzzFeed Politics, the Obama campaign and Democrats understand how bad...

Obama gets golf brand named after him (h/t Ragspierre in Tip Line) Greatest billboard ever? (via MikeAT in Tip Line) Some polling links from Charles: U.S. Chamber Poll: GOP’s Lingle Ahead in Hawaii Senate Race [was wondering if a chance, maybe] DCCC IE Backs John Barrow...

Yesterday I pointed out the lemonade stand image near the end of Scott Brown’s “Let America Be America Again” video, with the suggestion the Romney and Brown campaigns run the image with the following parody quote of Obama and Elizabeth Warren: You own a lemonade stand, kid,...

Reaction to Obama’s imitation of Elizabeth Warren is, um, building. Bristol Palin is collecting stories at her blog from people around the country, some of which are in this video The Romney campaign is out with t-shirts (h/t jimzinsocal): There’s also a parody site, You...

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And...

As you know from the primaries, I’m no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama’s complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country’s economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with...